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Not Only On Memorial Day, Let Us "Never Forget"

  • Not Only On Memorial Day, Let Us "Never Forget"

 A commentary to “Never Forget” the extraordinary service in Combat by US Navy SEALS and the US Armed Forces by Jenna Lee, a Fox News Anchorwoman.

Two of the 36 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, GySgt Nick Popaditch, USMC (Ret) and Senator John McCain (POW), were seated on either side of Gov Mitt Romney at a Memorial Day Tribute, where 5000 Veterans and supporters gathered at the Veteran’s Memorial adjacent to the Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego.  If you click on the below listed link, you will be able to view GySgt Popaditch’s address reminding those in attendance to “Never Forget” the long history of extraordinary service in Combat by US Marines.                           

While you are reading this message, that truly extraordinary service in Combat continues now by all members of the US Armed Forces, in Afghanistan and on other foreign shores; let us “Never Forget” their dedicated service in defense of the Republic.