The "Actual" Wuhan Virus Case Fatality Rate
By Capt Joseph R. John, April 30, 2021, Op Ed #557
The United Nations World Health Organization worked closely and under the direction of Communist China to infect the US, and got Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC, NIH, and the Leftist Main Stream Media to promote closing down the US booming economy even though the Wuhan Virus had a Virus Case Fatality Rate was less than the Annual Flu Fatality Rate. Over the last 70 years, there were no lockdowns, the US economy was never closed, public schools were never shuttered, church services were never canceled, restaurants were not closed because of the Flu Case Fatality Rate.
The US should have followed the lead of Sweden, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Iceland, Communist China, every country in Africa, except for Ghana, and the US economy, small businesses, and restaurants should never have been closed, which destroyed millions of jobs. Public schools should never have been closed for an academic year, and houses of worship should never have been closed, preventing Christians, Jews, and Muslims from attending services.
One state, South Dakota, did emulate Sweden and never locked down, never closed public schools, did not close restaurants, and kept churches open. Their businesses flourished, and their tourist industry boomed. The vindictive Biden/Harris/Obama administration is punishing South Dakota for not caving in and locking down. The permit for their traditional Patriotic Fourth of July fireworks display over Mount Rushmore, is being denied this year. Governor Christy Noem is suing the Biden/Harris/Obama administration for their uncalled for and vindictive denial.
The inflated number of deaths attributed to the Wuhan Virus are “absolutely” false to create fear in the general population. The CDC states on its own website that only 6% of the deaths published as COVID-19 deaths were only from COVID-19, that would put US COVID-19 deaths at less than the 67,000 flu deaths in the US in 2020. The administration has covered up the fact from the American people that 50% of all reported COVID-19 deaths actually occurred in nursing homes.
The European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for experimental COVID-19 Vaccines, “EudraVigilance”, list 238,949 injuries and 5,365 fatalities following injections. According to The Epoch Times' published report of April 30, 2021, the CDC stated that 9,245 fully vaccinated people in the US have contracted the Wuhan Virus, 835 required hospitalization, and the inoculations of the test vaccines resulted in 132 fatalities following injections.
Even with less than 1% reporting adverse reactions to the test vaccines, the National Vaccine Adverse Events Report System (VAER) adverse reaction numbers that have been reported are substantial with 133,000 adverse reactions, 8.500 serious reactions requiring hospitalization, and with 3,607 fatalities following injections. If more than the less than 1% had been properly reporting adverse reactions, as required, the numbers of adverse reactions and fatalities from test vaccines inoculations would be substantially higher.
A prominent physician-scientist, Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, has been warning that the indiscriminate inoculation of people with previous or recent Wuhan Virus infections might be causing blood clotting complications. Such blood clotting complications are not isolated to the Johnson & Johnson test vaccine injections. It was noted that there are also cases entered in the federal database of VAERS, concerning blood clotting from the Pfizer and Moderna Wuhan Virus test vaccine injections as well.
The Biden/Harris/Obama administration inherited a pandemic that has now largely run its course. Medical experts have been stating on multiple National TV News Networks broadcasts, and National Radio Talk-shows that herd immunity is already here, and since there are relatively few Wuhan Virus hospital admissions, Americans should now go about their lives, business, and operate normally.
Dr. Fauci, used US taxpayer dollars to fund the Wuhan Test Lab Corona Virus experiments in Communist China, even after Obama ordered all experimentation on the Corona Viruses to cease: he is panicking and warning that variants to the Wuhan Virus are coming to keep Americans locked down and masked through to the 2022 election. He is warning that future lockdowns may still be required, that individuals from age 2 and up must be masked, with possibly up to three masks (which is detrimental to health---masks of course must be worn by an infected patient to protect others, but not by 2 year olds), that the 6 foot social distancing rule must be complied with (which has no scientific basis), and he is aggressively promoting the inoculation of test injections, that manufacturers do not call a vaccine, and have not been approved by the FDA.
South Dakota, Florida, Georgia, Montana, Alabama, Texas, Wyoming, Utah, Iowa, and Tennessee have rejected Dr. Fauci’s warnings of Wuhan Virus variants, rejected the Biden/Harris/Obama administration continued Wuhan Virus shackles, and rejected their warning that Americans should not gather to celebrate the Fourth of July. Those states have opened public schools, churches, restaurants, businesses, and are promoting their tourist industries. Will Blue State Governors open their economies and give their residents the freedoms they were endowed with by the US Constitution?
Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. The material can only be posted on another Web site or be distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author. It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.