Col Joshua M McConkey
ColMcConkeyis a combat veteran of the USAir Force.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofNC.Active Status:Reserve

Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing Col Joshua M. McConkey, USAFR (MC) as the 150th Combat Veteran For Congress in the past fourteen years; he is a Board Certified Emergency Physician and a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out-of-control spending by the radical Socialist Democrats in Congress. He is running for Congress in the 13th Congressional District of North Carolina.
Col McConkey, who resides in Apex, NC, has served 21 years on active and reserve duty in the US Army and US Air Force, serving on multiple overseas assignments, including one combat deployment. Col McConkey is still actively serving in the US Air Force Reserve as the Commander of the 459th Aeromedical Staging Squadron based at Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, MD.
The Republican Primary Election for the 13th Congressional District of North Carolina will be held on March 5, 2024. We encourage all Republicans, Conservatives, Independents, Libertarians, and Blue Dog Patriotic Democrats who support Col McConkey to cast their “votes early,” and are cautioned not to wait to vote until, March 5, 2024, the day of the Republican Primary Election.
Col McConkey is running for the Congressional seat of a former Californian who relocated to NC to run for Congress, Congressman Wiley Nickel (D-NC-13), who previously lost a California Congressional election against an endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, Congressman Jeffery Denham, SSgt-USAF (R-CA-10). Wiley Nickel’s radical leftist policies and votes in Congress, informs Independents, Conservatives, Libertarians, Republicans, and Blue Dog Democrats, all they need to know about his Anti-Traditional American political philosophy.
Nickel supports the abortion of babies up to nine months, does not support protecting the lives of babies born alive, and does not mandate that doctors provide care for surviving babies of abortion. Nickel does not support repealing of the Pistol Brace Ban, which is in violation of the 2nd Amendment. Nickel supports funding of 87,000 armed newly hired IRS Agents who will oppress the average American taxpayer (Nickel and his fellow Socialist Democrats should have instead, supported the funding of 87,000 new US Border Patrol Agents who are desperately needed to control and protect the “wide-open” southern border).
Nickel is against the drilling and recovery of crude oil on government land which would lower the price of gas at the pump for all Americans suffering from the worst inflation in 50 years. The cost of gas at the pump has increased from $1.87 per gallon when Biden was elected, to the current increased price of over $7.00/gal in California and in other states. Nickel supports the out-of-controlled spending by the Socialist Democrats in Congress, which has driven the National Debt to over $32 Tillion, which is also fueling the steadily increasing inflation.
Nickel supports the Biden administration’s “wide-open” southern border policy, that is in place allowing the entry of fentanyl, and other drugs (killing over 100,000 young Americans annually), the entry of violent MS-13 gang members, the entry of Radical Middle East Islamic Terrorists who have been murdering innocent women and children in Israel, the entry of human traffickers, and the entry of over 300,000 Illegal Aliens from 161 countries into the United States each month (the Illegal Aliens are entering the US without being checked for contagious disease or being injected to prevent the spread of the Wuhan Virus).
Nickel believes parents should be prevented from having any input into their children’s school curriculum and should be prevented from having any control over what their children are being taught in public schools. Nickel supports allowing Drag Queen Story Hour indoctrinations in Public Libraries by men dressed as women, who are brainwashing preschool children. Nickel supports transgender boys and men competing with schoolgirls and women in female sports programs and allowing transgender boys and men the use of women locker rooms to change clothes and shower.
Col McConkey dedicated his life to protect and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and he will protect the unalienable rights of Americans, their Freedom of Religion, and their Freedom of Speech. Col McConkey will defend traditional Family Values and will provide “true” representation for the average American voter in North Carolina and in the Republic.
Col McConkey understands the difficult issues facing members of the US Armed Forces and their families. He will always support military personnel and will ensure they are cared for while serving their country on active duty, as reservists, and in their retirement as Veterans. He supports providing homeless Veterans, sleeping on the streets, with the same free housing benefits that the Biden/Obama administration is providing to the 10 million Illegal Aliens walking thru the wide-open southern border.
Col McConkey strongly supports The Free Enterprise System, considers the Socialist Democrat Party’s agenda a threat to the founding principles of the Republic, and will work to rein in the out-of-control spending by irresponsible Socialist Democrat members in the House who have fueled the worst inflation in 50 years. He is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to reduce the national debt, support economic growth, and will work toward unleashing the private sector to grow, create jobs, and stimulate private sector business investment.
One of Col McConkey’s goals is to help put a stop to the to the war on American Energy. He supports making the United States Energy Independent once again, and lowering the cost of energy for families that are struggling to pay for the ever-increasing cost of gas at the pump and the increasing cost of fuel for heating their homes in cold winters. He also supports drilling once again for crude oil on US government land and in Anwar to lower the cost of gas at the pump.
Col McConkey will support securing the wide-open southern border, to prevent the entry of drugs, MS-13 gang members, radical Islamic terrorists, human traffickers, and the over 300,000 Illegal Aliens from 161 countries who are entering the United States monthly, without being checked for contagious disease or being inoculated to prevent the spread of the Wuhan Virus. He is an avid supporter of Law Enforcement and is opposed to releasing convicted felons by eliminating bail.
Joshua M. McConkey was born on September 18, 1977, in Renton, WA. He was raised in Alliance, Nebraska, in Box Butte County, a small farming and ranching county in rural Western Nebraska. His father worked on the railroads. His brother, Jeremy, served in the Nebraska Army National Guard as a Specialist, and deployed from October 2009 to July 2010 to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Specialist Jeremy McConkey served in combat at Forward Base Delta and Forward Base Spetcher near Tikrit, and at Camp Liberty in Baghdad.
Joshua attended Alliance High School where he wrestled, played baseball, and tennis; he graduated in May 1996. In September 1996, Joshua was accepted as a biology major at Chadron State College in Chadron, NE. In August 1999, Joshua McConkey enrolled at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE in the Doctor of Medicine Curriculum. On April 14, 2000, while matriculating at Chadron State College Joshua reported to Headquarters, Medical Detachment, Nebraska Army National Guard (NEANG) in Lincoln, NE. Upon being sworn into the NEANG, Joshua received a Direct Commission, as a Second Lieutenant in the Medical Service Corps.
In May 2000, 2nd Lt McConkey graduated from Chadron State College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology, while still matriculating in medical school at the University of Nebraska. While seeking a Doctor of Medicine Degree at the University of Nebraska, to supplement the personal education loans he applied for and received, 2nd Lt McConkey, sought and received additional Tuition Assistance from the Nebraska Army National Guard, to help cover the total cost of his education.
In June 2001, 2nd Lt McConkey reported to the US Army Officer Basic Course at Fort Sam Houston, TX, and completed Basic in August 2001. On April 14, 2002, 2nd Lt McConkey was promoted to First Lieutenant. On May 10, 2003, 1st Lt McConkey was transferred to the Nebraska Army National Guard Medical Corps, was promoted to Captain, and was assigned as a Field Surgeon at the Medical Command, Nebraska Army National Guard in Lincoln, NE. In May 2003, Cpt McConkey was conferred with the Doctor of Medicine Degree by the University of Nebraska upon graduation.
In June 2003, Cpt McConkey’s reported to Summa Health Systems in Akron, OH to begin his residency in Emergency Medicine. In October 2003, Cpt McConkey was transferred to the billet of Field Surgeon in Company C 118th Medical Battalion, Ohio Army National Guard (OHARNG) in Columbus, Ohio. In April 2005, Cpt McConkey reported to the US Army Captain Career Course at Fort Sam Houston, TX, graduating in June 2005. In July 2005, Cpt McConkey was transferred back to the Medical Command, NEARNG, Lincoln, NE. In August 2005, Cpt McConkey reported to the Flight Surgeon Course at the US Army School of Aviation Medicine at Fort Rucker, AL, graduating in November 2005. Cpt McConkey completed his residency with Summa Health Systems in June 2006.
In February 2007, Cpt McConkey deployed from Fort Bliss, TX in support for Operation Iraqi Freedom to Logistic SupportArea Anaconda in Balad Air Base, Iraq. He was assigned as the Battalion Flight Surgeon for the 2-135th General SupportAviation Battalion, and as the Medical Director for “C” Company, MedEvac. Cpt McConkey flew MedEvac missions and one air assault mission, in support of US combat forces in contact with the enemy. Cpt McConkey logged in over 90 rotor wing combat hours during medical evacuations and air assault flights; he also provided aeromedical evacuation support as a Critical Care Air Transport Team flight surgeon. Cpt McConkey provided the critical medical care for men wounded in combat, and he is credited with saving many lives. Cpt McConkey returned to Fort Bliss in June 2007, and was awarded the Air Medal and the Army Commendation Medal for combat service.
On August 28, 2007, Cpt McConkey was promoted to Major. MAJ McConkey received his Board Certification in Emergency Medicine from the American Board of Emergency Medicine in December 2007. In October 2008, MAJ McConkey was transferred from assignment as a Field Surgeon with the Medical Command in Lincoln, NE to be assigned as the Chief of Aviation Medicine at Headquarters 92nd Troop Command for the Nebraska Army National Guard, Lincoln, NE. As the Chief of Aviation Medicine, he was responsible for a perfect Aviation Resource Management Survey Inspection and provided policy guidance for the State Surgeon and State Adjutant General. On April 1, 2009, Maj McConkey was Honorably Discharged from the Nebraska Army National Guard, and there was a break in Maj McConkey’s military service.
On January 17, 2011, Joshua McConkey was sworn into the US Air Force Reserve Medical Corps and given a Direct Commission as a Major by Lt Col Wellington, USAF, at the US Air Force Base in Christchurch, New Zealand. Maj McConkey was assigned as the Officer in Charge of the Critical Care Air Transport Team and assigned as a Flight Surgeon for the 446th Aeromedical Staging Squadron, Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA. On September 5, 2011, Maj McConkey reported for training for the Aerospace Medicine Course at the US Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, and graduated on September 18, 2011.
On July 30, 2012, Maj McConkey reported for training at the Critical Care Air Transport Team Course Center for the Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center/Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; he graduated on August 12, 2012. On April 1, 2012, Maj McConkey enrolled in a correspondence course provided by the Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell Air Force Base, AL, and graduated on October 30, 2012. In August 2013, Maj McCloskey was detached from the 446 Aeromedical Staging Squadron.
In September 2013, Maj McConkey reported as Chief of Medical Staff and as the Senior Flight Surgeon for the 916thAerospace Medical Squadron at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, NC. On August 21, 2014, Maj McConkey was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. On June 1, 2015, Lt Col McConkey enrolled in a correspondence course provided by the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base, AL, and graduated on August 31, 2015. On June 5, 2015, Lt Col McConkey was recalled to an Active-Duty assignment, to fill a vacant billet as the Senior Flight Surgeon for the 48th Fighter Wing, Lakenheath AFB, England; on July 7, 2015, he was detached from Active Duty and returned to the 916th Aerospace Medical Squadron at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, NC. On August 1, 2017, Lt Col McConkey reported for training at the Reserve Component National Security Course at the College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, DC; he graduated on August 15, 2017.
In March 2018, Lt Col McConkey was assigned as the Medical Director and the Senior Flight Surgeon at the 304th Rescue Squadron in the Portland International Airport, Portland, OR. On September 1, 2019, Lt Col McConkey was promoted to Colonel. On February 2020, Col McConkey was recalled to Active Duty as an Individual Mobilization Augmentee to supportthe Director, Defense Institute of Medical Operations at Joint Base, San Antonio, TX. On July 24, 2022, Col McConkey reported for training at the Air Force Squadron Commanders Course at the Headquarters-Air Force Reserve Command at Robins Air Force Base, GA, and graduated on July 29, 2022.
In August 2022, Col McConkey was assigned as the Commander of the 459th Aeromedical Staging Squadron at Joint Base Andrews, MD; he is currently still in command of the 459th Aeromedical Staging Squadron, as a Colonel in the US Air Force Reserve. During his 21 years of active and reserve service, Col McConkey has logged more than 340 Medical Evacuation and Critical Care Air Transport flight hours, including logging more than 90 rotor wing combat hours during Medical Evacuations and air assault combat flight operations. Those flight hours were flown in the following US Army and US Air Force Aircraft: UH-1, CH-47D, C-23C, C-17, C-130, CV-22B, KC-135R, C-32, C-40, UH-60A, HH-60G, UH-72.
Col McConkey’s personal decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Combat Readiness Medal, Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal (Two Oak Leaf Clusters in lieu of Third Award), Nuclear Deterrence Operations Service Medal, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award, Overseas Service Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon, the US Army Aviation Flight Surgeon Wings, the US Air Force Senior Flight Surgeon Wings, various Campaign and Service Medals.
Col McConkey has been endorsed by Congressman Jack Bergman, Lt Gen-USMCR (R-MI-1), Cong Barry M. Goldwater, Jr. (R-AZ) (Ret), Cong Robert Simmons, Col-USAR/CIA (R-CT) (Ret), Cong Paul Broun, Cdr-USNR (MC) (R-GA) (Ret), Cong Kerry Bentivolio, SFC/MI-ANG (R-MI) (Ret), Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, and the Guardian Fund (DC).
Col McConkey is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, is an Endowed Life Member of the NRA, the American Legion, the Air Force Association, the Reserve Association of America, Chadron State Alumni Association, the American Medical Association, and the American College of Emergency Physicians. In October 2023, Col McConkey was honored and presented with the Distinguished Alumni Award by his Alma Mater, Chadron State College, Chadron, NE. Col McConkey and his wife Elsa of 15 years are the proud parents of Luca age 12, Gabriel age 10, and Alexandra age 10. They attend Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church in Apex, NC.
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse Col Joshua M. McConkey, USAFR (MC) who will bring to the US House his experience in the private sector, his military skills, and common sense to better solve problems in government and represent the State of North Carolina and the Republic. If you review Col McConkey’s positions on his website, you would be pleased with his policy positions; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with Col McConkey and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for Congress.
If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in North Carolina, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support Col McConkey by working on his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. He is a Combat Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”