Cpt Joseph Miller
CptMilleris a combat veteran of the USArmy.He is running for United StatesSenatein the state ofAK.Active Status:Retired

Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is re-endorsing the 27th Combat Veteran For Congress that was first endorsed in 2010; former Captain Joseph Miller, USMA ’89, USA of Fairbanks, Alaska, whom is a Patriot, not a politician. Former CPT Miller served on active duty in the US Army from June 1989 to September 1992, and is running for the US Senate in Alaska as a Libertarian candidate (at the invitation of the party earlier in September). Although CPT Miller is running as a Libertarian, he is pledging to caucus with the Republicans if he prevails in November. He strongly supports The Free Enterprise System, will fight to fund strong national defense policies, supports US Federal Immigration Laws, is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out-of-control spending by irresponsible members of Congress, and he will continue to work to protect and defend the US Constitution.
In 2010, former CPT Miller decided to run for the US Senate in Alaska, and pulled off perhaps the upset victory of the federal election cycle in the Republican primary race, defeating incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski. He won the right to run in the general election as the Republican standard bearer against Scott McAdams (D-AK). However Lisa Murkowski mounted a write campaign, crossed the aisle, and got Democrats to support her candidacy, and narrowly defeated Joe Miller in the general election. Senator Lisa Murkowski, turned out to be the most liberal, pro-Obama Republican Senator and is now up for re-election.
During the last session of Congress, Murkowski voted with President Obama 72 percent of the time, which is more than any other Republican senator up for re-election. She backed the Trans Pacific Trade Bill, which cedes US sovereignty to the UN, supported sequestration that has hollowed out the US Armed Forces; supported Obama’s Socialist Common Core agenda, supported Obama’s open border policy allowing millions of Illegal aliens to simply walk across the wide open border; did nothing to stop Obama from bringing in the 900,000+ Muslim refugees that Obama brought in from the Middle East, while preventing the FBI from interviewing them to determine if they had terrorist ties.
Joseph Miller was born and raised in Salina, Kansas. He grew up in a working class family; his father was a minister and his parents ran a bookstore. Joe graduated from Salina Central High School in 1985. Cadet Miller entered the US Military Academy at West Point, New York in 1985 where he was a member of the Officers Christian Fellowship; Cadet Miller graduated in June 1989 with honors, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in American Political Science. He subsequently earned a Juris Doctor Law Degree from Yale Law School in June 1995, and a Master of Science Degree in Economics from the University of Alaska in Fairbanks in June 2008.
In June 1989, upon graduation from the US Military Academy, Cadet Joseph Miller was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the US Army. 2nd LT Miller previously went through advanced summer training while a cadet at West Point and was awarded the Parachute and Air Assault Badges. Following graduation from West Point, 2nd LT Miller attended Armor Officer Basic Course and the Scout Platoon Leader Certification Course at Fort Knox, Kentucky. He was subsequently assigned to the First Infantry Division at Fort Riley, Kansas.
In December 1990, Lieutenant Miller, an armor officer, deployed to Saudi Arabia in support of Operation Desert Storm with the First Infantry Division. He was subsequently involved in combat action and participated in the liberation of Kuwait. In May 1991, LT Miller returned to the United States with the First Infantry Division. LT Miller was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Commendation as well as numerous other Service and Campaign medals for combat action. During his military service, while matriculating at West Point, he also earned the Parachute and Air Assault badges. In 1997, CPT Miller was released from the Individual Ready Reserve and received an Honorable Discharge for his honorable service in the US Army.
Because of his love of the outdoors, in 1994 Joe Miller headed to the Last Frontier. After graduating from Yale Law School he accepted a position in a prestigious law firm in Anchorage. Then in 1998, at age 30, he was appointed a State Magistrate (the youngest then serving in Alaska) in the little village of Tok (280 miles southeast of Fairbanks), as well as a Superior Court Master of the Fourth Judicial District. Four years later, further honors followed when Judge Miller was appointed an Acting State District Court Judge and, shortly thereafter, U. S. Magistrate Judge in Fairbanks. He had the distinction of being the youngest then serving as a US Federal Judge, not only in the state, but also in the entire nation. He was also the only judge in the United States at that time, serving at both federal and state levels simultaneously.
In 2004, Judge Miller stepped down from the bench to run for Alaska State Representative. He overwhelmingly won the contested Republican primary and nearly pulled off an upset in the general election, receiving 48% of the vote against the Democratic incumbent, in a traditionally Democratic district. It was the closest re-election campaign the officeholder ever faced. Joe returned to the successful full time practice of law in his own firm. He has represented clients (including local government as both a part-time employee and on contract) in a wide variety of cases, a number of which have gone all the way to the Alaska Supreme Court.
Joe Miller decided to run for the US Senate again in 2016; his experience in the military, as an attorney, and as an Alaskan State Magistrate and US Federal Judge prepared Joe Miller to become the voice of the people. Though Joe Miller just entered the race in mid-September, he has already garnered the endorsements of the Alaska Right to Life, Gun Owners of America, Mark Levins, Dr. James Dobson, Lt Gen Jerry Boykin, USA (Ret), Bill Keller Co-Chairman of Senator Cruz’s former Alaska President Campaign, Anchorage Assemblywoman Amy Demboski, Alaska Family Action, Lars Larson, the chairmen of the Veterans Party of Alaska, the Alaska Libertarian Party, the Alaska Independence Party, the Alaska Constitutional Party, and the backing of the Alaska Republican Assembly, and the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC.
Joe made national news last month as six members of the Alaska Republican Party’s State Central Committee stepped down from their posts to openly back him over a very liberal Lisa Murkowski. One Anchorage District Chairman refused to resign, citing Miller’s conservative views being in alignment with the Republican Party Platform, while Murkowski’s are not. The Alaska State GOP Central Committee subsequently voted to remove him. Those who were removed or stepped down from Alaska GOP Central Committee to back Joe Miller are District 25 Chairman Dave Bronson, District 11 Chairwoman Shannon Connelly. District 12 Chairman Ron Johnson, Central Committee Member Mike Widney, and Alaska GOP Rules Committee Member who is a Fairbanks Assemblyman Lance Roberts.
Joe Miller is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (life Member), the American Legion, the NRA, Benefactor, a member of the West Point Alumni Association, and the Friends Church (nondenominational) in Fairbanks. Joe currently lives with his family in Fairbanks where he practices law. His wife, Kathleen, of 23 years is a teacher and serves on the Alaskan Judicial Council, a commission that makes recommendations to the Alaskan Governor concerning Alaska judicial nominees. They have 8 children, including a daughter, who is a missionary outside of the US, and a son who was just commissioned in the US Air Force.
The Combat Veteran’s For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse former Captain Joseph Miller, USMA ’89, USA who would bring to the US Senate extraordinary public sector and private sector skills and wisdom to better solve problems and represent the State of Alaska and the country. If you review CPT Miller’s positions on his Web site, you would be pleased with his stands; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with CPT Miller, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for the US Senate. If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in Alaska, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support former CPT Joe Miller by working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable “to The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”