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CW3 Joseph C Kent

  • CW3 Joseph C Kent

    is a combat veteran of the US
    He is running for United States
    House of Representatives
    in the state of
    Active Status:

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing CW3 Joseph C. Kent, USA/CIA (Ret) (Green Beret)(Ranger) as the 148th Combat Veteran For Congress in the past fourteen years; he is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out of control spending by the radical Socialist Democrats in Congress.  He is running for Congress in the 3rd Congressional District of Washington State.  CW3 Kent served for 20 years in the US Army with 11 Combat Deployments, and 2 years in the CIA; CW3 Kent resides in Yacolt, WA.  CW3 Kent is running against one term Congresswoman Marie Glusenkamp Perez (D-WA-3).  Warrant Officer Kent is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to reduce the national debt, will support economic growth, will work toward unleashing the private sector to grow, create jobs, stimulate private sector business investment.  He is an avid supporter of Law Enforcement, will vote to strengthen the US Armed Forces, will protect the Freedom of Religion and Speech guaranteed by the US Constitution.  

CW3 Kent will defend traditional Family Values and will provide “true” representation for the average American voter in Washington and in the Republic.  Warrant Officer Kent understands issues facing members of the US Armed Forces and will ensure they are cared for both while serving their country on active duty, as reservists, and in their retirement as Veterans.  He strongly supports The Free Enterprise System, considers the Socialist Democrat Party’s agenda a threat to the founding principles of the Republic, and will work to stop the out-of-control spending by irresponsible Socialist Democrat members in the House.  CW3 Kent will support securing the wide-open southern border, to prevent the entry of drugs, MS-13 gang members, terrorists, human traffickers, and the over 250,000 Illegal Aliens each month from 160 countries who are entering the United States without being checked for contagious disease or being injected to prevent the spread of the Wuhan Virus.   

CW3 Kent is running against a far left Socialist Democrat, Congresswoman Perez, whose voting record informs Patriotic Democrats, Independents, Conservatives, Libertarians, and Republicans in the 3rd Congressional District of Washington all they need to know about her radical Anti-American political philosophy.  Perez voted against H. R. 5: Parent’s Bill of Rights that requires schools to publish their curriculum and allow parents to have input to school policies.  Perez voted against H. R. 2: Secure the Border Act to fund more Border Patrol Agents, to complete construction of the border wall for the wide open border, and to impose harsh penalties for drug cartels.  Perez voted against H. R. 734: Protection of Women and Girl Sports Act that prohibits schools that receive federal dollars from allowing men to compete with girls and women.  Perez voted against H.R. 26: Born-Alive, Abortion Survivors Protection Act that would protect babies born alive and would mandate doctors provide care for survivors of abortion.  Perez voted against H.J. Res. 44: Repeal of Pistol Brace Ban that repeals ATF’s unconstitutional pistol brace ban that violates the 2nd Amendment.  Perez voted against H.R. 4366: Military Construction VA Bill that fully funds the VA.   Perez voted against H.R. 23: Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act that repeals majority of Inflation Reduction Act especially the funding of 87,000 new IRS Agents (instead Socialist Democrats should have funded 87,000 new Border Patrol Agents).  Perez voted against H. R. 2811; Limit Save Grow Act that puts H. R. 1 The Lower Energy Cost Act into effect whose aim is to put a stop to the war on American Energy and allows America to become Energy Independent and lowers the cost of energy for families who are struggling.

Joe was born on April 11, 1980 in Sweet Home, Oregon and was raised in Portland, Oregon.  Joe was influenced by both of his grandfathers who served in the Army Air Corps in WWII in the European Theatre, Richard Rice (1st LT) and James Kent (SGT) who flew in B-17s over Europe.  Both grandfathers influenced Joe’s early youth and set an excellent example for young Joe Kent to follow in their footsteps, and defend the country by eventually enlisting in the US Army and also serving in the defense of the country.   Joe attended Wilson High School in Portland, Oregon and lettered in varsity football and wrestling; he graduated in June 1998.  In 2013 CW3 Joseph Kent matriculated online at Norwich University in Northfield, VT, and at graduation in June 2017, he was awarded a Bachelor of Science Degree in Strategic Defense Analysis.

On June 18, 1998, following graduation from Wilson High School, Joseph Kent enlisted in the US Army at the US Army at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) Portland, OR as an 11B infantryman.  Private Joseph Kent reported for Basic Training, Infantry AIT, in August 1998.  PFC Kent reported to Airborne School, and successfully completed the Ranger Indoctrination Program at Fort Benning, GA.  In November 1998, PFC Kent was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment as an Infantry Soldier.  

In October 2000, PFC Kent was promoted to Specialist.  In January 2002, SPC Kent reported to The JFK Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Liberty, NC, as a Special Forces Candidate and student; in September 2002 SPC Kent was promoted to Sergeant.   In June 2003, SGT Kent completed Special Forces qualification, and became an 18B Special Forces Weapons Sergeant, and was assigned to 5th Special Forces Group (A), 1st Battalion Operational Detachment Alpha 535 (ODA 535), in October 2003 SGT Kent was promoted to Staff Sergeant. 

In August 2003 until December of 2004, SSG Kent deployed to Baghdad, Iraq with ODA 535 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom on two seven-month tours.  With elements of 5th Special Forces Group Alpha, SSG Kent conducted multiple combat operations in Ramadi, Hilla, and during Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah; ODA 535 returned to CONUS in December 2004.  SSG Kent was awarded two Bronze Star Medals (one for each of the seven-month tours), the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, and Campaign Medals.

In June 2005, SSG Kent deployed to Rabiah, Iraq with ODA 535 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, elements of 5th Special Forces Group Alpha conducted multiple combat operations in Rabiah, Mosul, and Tal Affar during Operation Restore Rights; ODA 535 returned to CONUS in February 2006; SSG Kent was awarded a third Bronze Star Medal and Campaign Medals.  In September 2006, SSG Kent was promoted to Sergeant First Class.  

In August of 2006, SFC Kent deployed to Bagdad, Iraq with ODA 595 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom on two separate seven-month deployments, ODA 595 conducted multiple combat operations in Baghdad; in March 2008, ODA 595 returned to CONUS.  SFC Kent was awarded a fourth Bronze Star Medal and Campaign Medals. 

In January 2009, SFC Kent deployed to Mosul, Iraq with ODA 5415 in support of Operation New Dawn, ODA 5415 conducted multiple combat operations in Mosul; ODA 5415 returned to CONUS in July 2009.  SFC Kent was awarded a fifth Bronze Star Medal and Campaign Medals.

In September 2009, SFC Kent was selected to attend Special Forces Warrant Officer Candidate School at Ft. Liberty NC.  In October 2009, SFC Kent was commissioned as a 180A Special Forces Warrant Officer One, and in December 2009 WO1 Kent graduated from Warrant Officer Candidate School.  In December 2009, WO1 Kent was assigned to ODA 5421.  

In May 2010, WO1 Kent deployed to Sana, Yemen with ODA 5421 in support of Operation New Dawn, they were based in a safe house in Sana, and conducted multiple combat operations in Yemen: ODA 5421 returned to CONUS in February 2011; WO1 Kent was awarded an Army Commendation Medal and Campaign Medals. 

In March 2011, WO1 Kent deployed to Baghdad, Iraq with ODA 5425 in support of Operation New Dawn, elements of 5th Special Forces Group Alpha conducted multiple combat operations in Baghdad, Iraq; ODA 5425 returned to CONUS in September 2011 WO1  Kent was awarded a sixth Bronze Star Medal and other Campaign Medals.  In September 2011, WO1 Kent was promoted to Warrant Officer Two.   

In May 2013, CW2 Kent was selected and qualified to serve in a Special Missions Unit.  In July 2016, CW2 Kent was promoted to Warrant Officer Three; he served as Troop Executive Officer from 2014-2018 deploying to Kirkuk, Iraq in 2016 for five months and again to Yemen in 2017 for 4 months.  CW3 Kent was relieved as Troop Executive Officer in May 2018 after submitting his retirement paperwork, he used his saved-up leave allow him to officially serve in the US Army to August 31, 2018, yet allowing him to start his new assignment with the CIA as a Para Military Operations Officer in May 2018.    

CW3 Joseph C. Kent, USA was Honorably Discharged from the US Army effective August 31, 2018, with 20 years of US Army service, and he served an additional 2 years with the CIA, his military awards include the Bronze Star Medal (including five Oak Leaf Clusters in lieu of 6th Award), Army Commendation Medal (with Combat “V”), Army Achievement Medal (Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a 2nd Award), Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Special Forces Tab,  Ranger Tab, Military Freefall Parachutist Badge, Parachutist Badge, Scuba Diver Badge, and various Campaign and Service Medals.

In August 18, 2018, Joe was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency.  He graduated with Field Training Class 35, completed Paramilitary Certification, and deployed as a Paramilitary Operations Officer to Northern Africa.  On January 16, 2019, while Operations Officer Joe Kent was deployed, his courageous wife, Senior Cryptology Technician Interpretive Branch Chief Petty Officer Shannon Kent, who was also deployed to Syria in support of Operation Inherent Resolve with Joint Special Operations Command, was Killed in Action. 

Joe and Shannon had been married for a little over 5 years and had two very young sons aged 4 and 2 at the time of their mother’s passing.  CTICS Shannon Kent had previously deployed to Iraq twice in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, then deployed to Syria twice in support of Operation Inherent Resolved.  In May 2019, Operations Officer Kent resigned from the CIA to take care of his two young sons.  CTICS Sharron Kent was Honored on the Cryptologic Memorial Wall at the National Security Agency.

In May 2019, Joe Kent formed Perpetual, LLC in Portland, OR to engage in Security Consulting.  Perpetual, LLC contracted to engage in training support for the US Army Special Operations Command and the Department of State.  In August 2019, Advanced Enterprise Solutions (AES) in Herndon, VA whose primary function is to collect information on 5G technology employed Joe as a Project Manager for international projects.  In February 2021, Joe resigned from AES, and declared his intention to run for Congress in the 3rd Congressional District of Washington in 2022; Joe lost a very close election by 2600 votes.  In January 2022, Joe resumed his employment with Advanced Enterprise Solutions (AES) as a Project Manager for international projects.  In January 2023, Joe resigned his employment with AES in January 2023, when he declared this intention to run for Congress in the 3rd Congressional District of Washington in 2024.  Joe remains as the Sole Proprietor of Perpetual, LLC. 

CW3 Joseph Kent, USA (Ret) was endorsed by Senator J D Vance, USMC (R-OH), Cong Matt Gaetz (R-FL-1), Cong Cory Mills, USA (R-FL-7), Cong Eli Crane, USN (SEAL) (R-AZ-2),  Cong Paul Gosar, R-AZ (Ret), Cong Troy Nehls, R-TX (Ret), WA State GOP, Clark County GOP, Cowlitz County GOP, Wahkiakum GOP, Lewis GOP, and the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC.  Joe is a member of the NRA, the American Legion, the VFW, Volunteers at Fort Kennedy’s Veteran’s Organization, and is a member of VFW Post 12028.  Joe and his late wife Shannon are the proud parents of their sons Colt age 8 and Josh age 6, they attend religious services at Yacolt Community Church, in Yacolt, WA with their father.    

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse CW3 Joseph Kent, USA/CIA (Ret) (Green Beret)(Ranger) who will bring to US House his experience in private sector and military skills, and common sense to better solve problems in government and represent Washington State and the Republic.  If you review CW3 Kent’s positions on his Website, you will be pleased with his policy positions; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement.  We look forward to working with CW3 Kent, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for Congress. 

If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in Washington State, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support CW3 Kent by working on his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign.  The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned.  We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of.  He is a Combat Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”