CWO4 Jack Smith
CWO4Smithis a combat veteran of the USMarine Corps.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofOH.Active Status:Retired

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 24th Combat Veteran For Congress; he is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out of control spending by the Pelosi Congress. CWO4 Jack L. Smith, USMC (Ret) http://www.jacksmithforcongress.net of Holland, OH is running in the 9th Congressional District of Ohio. He is a 22 year military veteran who will be running against a Democrat Progressive, Congresswoman Marci Kaptur (D-CO-9). CWO4 Smith was born in Middlesbrough, Kentucky and was the second child in a family 8 (two of his brothers were/are also US Marines); he spent most of his young life in Toledo’s eastside. Jack Smith graduated from Waite High School in Toledo in 1966. In 1975 Police Officer Smith graduated from Owens Community College with an Associates Degree in Law Enforcement Science. .
In May 1966 Jack L. Smith enlisted in the US Marine Corps. In February 1968 Corporal Smith deployed with the 27th Marine Regiment to the Republic of South Vietnam in response to the North Vietnam Army and the Viet Cong’s Tet Offensive. Corporal Smith had a MOS 2533 as a Radio Operator with the 2nd Battalion and was involved in combat operations in the Da Nang, Hoi An, and An Hoa area with the 1/5; his area of operation included the rocket Belt, Liberty Bridge, and the Go Noi Island areas of I Corps. His tour ended in March 1969; the 27th Marines were awarded the Presidential Unit Citation. He was discharged in August 1970 from active duty. In 1979, following the US Embassy takeover in Iran, S/Sgt Smith reenlisted in the US Marine Corps Reserve. In October 1982 Sgt Smith was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 1. In December 1990 CWO2 Smith was recalled to active duty with the 24th Marine Regiment for Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. His awards for combat service are the Combat Action Ribbon, two Presidential Unit Citations, the Joint Meritorious Unit Citation, two Naval Unit Citations, 2 Meritorious Unit Citations, and multiple campaign service medals. In June 1997, Chief Warrant Officer 4 retired from the US Marine Corps Reserves.
In March 1973 Jack Smith was selected as a candidate for the Toledo Police Academy. On April 1, 1980, while on patrol, Officer Smith and his partner discovered a large apartment building on fire; they entered the building, and safely removed a number of elderly residents (they were both subsequently treated for smoke inhalation). There efforts were credited with preventing the loss of life, and they were awarded the Meritorious Service Medal by the Toledo Police Department. In 1984, Officer Smith joined the Toledo Police Department bomb Squad and served as Commander until 2006.
On February 13, 1998 an individual stalked then stabbed a female to death, when their relationships ended. He also stabbed her two children, aged 8 and 11 years; both survived but witnessed the murder of their mother. The subject then high-jacked a van at shotgun-point and ambushed two Emergency Medical Technician Units responding to the scene; two firemen were shot, one critically. The subject continued his flight and attempted to high-jack a second vehicle from a 21 year old female; when she fled, the subject shot her to death on the front porch of her home. After fleeing the scene the subject was spotted by a Toledo Police Department Sergeant and a vehicle pursuit ensued. Officers joined the pursuit, during which the subject fired at pedestrians and damaged two police vehicles with shotgun blasts. Near one of the busiest intersections in the city, the subject’s van was stopped by a pit maneuver. When he attempted to exit the vehicle and bring the shotgun to bear on an Officer, Officer Smith and two other Toledo Police Department Officers returned fire, and mortally wounded the subject. For Officer Smith heroic action, he was awarded the Toledo Police Department’s highest award, the Medal of Valor
Chief Smith proudly served the citizens of Toledo for 33 ½ years, rising to the rank of Chief of Police in 2006. During those years of service, besides the Medal of Valor, and the Meritorious Service Medal, Chief Smith was awarded the Professional Service Medal. Additionally, Chief Smith is a two time recipient of the Lucas County Safety Council Heroism Award. Chief Smith’s wife, Debra, is a retired Toledo Police Sergeant; Chief Smith has 8 children and still has 16 year olds twins (a boy and a girl) at home. Chief Smith is a member of the American Legion, the VFW, and the Toledo Police Retirees Association. He has been endorsed by the Ohio Veterans United and now by the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC. If you review CWO 4 Smith’s positions on his Web site, you would be pleased with his stand; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with CWO 4 Smith, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for Congress. If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in the 9th Congressional District of Ohio, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support CWO 4 Smith by working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign.