LTC William B Conrad
LTCConradis a combat veteran of the USArmy.He is running for United StatesSenatein the state ofNV.Active Status:Retired
Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC endorsed LTC William B. Conrad, USMA '80, USA (Ret) (Green Beret) as the 154th Combat Veteran For Congress in 14 years; Bill announced in Las Vegas that he is running for the US Senate in Nevada on July 4, 2023. LTC Conrad resides in Reno, NV and served for 31 years in the US Army and the US Army National Guard as an infantryman, Green Beret, Helo Pilot, Civil Engineer, and Civil Affairs Officer. Following 9/11, he was reactivated as a Lt Col helicopter pilot in the US Air Force Reserve then in the US Army Reserve in Civil Affairs. LTC Conrad is a “Solid Conservative Republican” who won two city council elections and “voted for limited government and no tax increases.” He will work to reduce the national debt and rein in the out-of-control deficit spending by irresponsible Socialist Democrat Senators. He will protect and defend the US Constitution, support Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, and the Right to Bear Arms guaranteed to every American Citizen. LTC Conrad is an avid supporter of Law Enforcement and opposes the effort by Marxists Domestic Enemies who have been defunding police forces.
LTC Conrad will defend traditional Family Values, the right of School Choice for parents who oppose the encouragement of Transgender policies in public schools and will support the right of Americans and religions to support Pro-Life policies in the Republic. He will provide “true” representation for the average American voter in Nevada and those throughout the Republic. He will vote to strengthen the US Armed Forces; he understands issues facing US Military personnel and is strongly motivated to ensure that they are cared for both while serving their country on active duty, serving as reservists, and will continue strong support for Veterans in their retirement. He strongly supports The Free Enterprise System and considers the Socialist Democrat Party’s agenda a threat to the founding principles of the Republic. LTC Conrad will support securing the wide-open southern border, to prevent the entry of drugs, MS-13 gang members, terrorists, human traffickers, Communist Chinese military personnel, Radical Islamic Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Terrorists, and convicted criminals. He opposes the entry of over 350,000 Illegal Aliens each month from over 180 countries who are entering the United States without being screened out, or removed for transmitting contagious diseases into the US, and are not being injected to prevent the spread of the Wuhan or China Virus.
LTC Conrad is running against far-left Socialist Democrat, first-term Senator Jacky Rosen, whose voting record informs all the Independents, Conservatives, Libertarians, Republicans, and Patriotic Democrats in Nevada the need to know about Rosen’s radical Anti-American political philosophy and her voting record over the last 6 years. Rosen has served as a rubber stamp for the deeply unpopular Joe Biden, voting for his agenda more than 92% of the time. Rosen voted against the Parent’s Bill of Rights which requires schools to publish their curriculum and allow parents to have input into school policies. Rosen voted against the Secure the Border Act to fund more Border Patrol Agents, to complete construction of the Border Wall to close the wide-open southern border and refused to impose harsh penalties for drug cartels. Rosen refused to meet with Nevadan Law Enforcement Officials on closing the wide-open southern border, and left Nevadans to fend for themselves in dealing with thousands of Illegal Aliens flooding into Nevada each week.
Rosen voted against the Protection of Women and Girl Sports Act which prohibits schools that receive federal dollars from allowing men to compete with girls and women in sports. Rosen voted against the Born-Alive, Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would protect babies born alive by mandating that doctors provide care for survivors of abortion. Rosen voted against the Repeal of Pistol Brace Ban which repeals ATF’s unconstitutional pistol brace ban which violates the 2nd Amendment. Rosen voted against the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act that repeals the majority of the Inflation Reduction Act, especially the funding of 87,000 new armed IRS Agents (instead Socialist Democrats should have funded 87,000 new Border Patrol Agents to secure the wide-open southern border). Rosen voted against the Limit Save Grow Act that puts The Lower Energy Cost Act into effect whose aim was to put a stop to the war on American Energy and allows America to become Energy Independent which would lower the cost of energy for families who are struggling.
Bill Conrad was born on May 22, 1957, in Orange, CA, and was raised and grew up in Santa Ana and Costa Mesa, CA. Growing up in South Orange County in the 60s and 70s, Bill was influenced by the history of his ancestors, who served in the US Armed Forces; military service was a family tradition. His Great Grandfather PFC Clide Bryan, USA served in the Philippines during the Spanish American War under General Arthur MacArthur. His Grandfather PFC Earl Conrad, USA served stateside during WWI (1918-1919). His Uncle, Maj Earl Conrad, Jr., served in the US Army Air Corps in the Pacific Theatre flying P-39, P-40, and P-38 during WWII; he accumulated 2000 combat hours (1942-1946). His Father, Tech-Sergeant Jack Conrad, was with the US Army Air Corps. served in WWII as a door gunner in B-17s and B-29s in the Pacific Theatre (1944-1946).
Bill attended Estancia High School, Costa Mesa, CA. While Matriculating at Estancia High, he lettered for 2 years in varsity football during 4 years of play, played varsity golf for two years, and ran junior varsity track for two years. Bill graduated in May 1976, and received an appointment to the US Military Academy at West Point, New York; he entered the Plebe Class in July 1976. At West Point, Cadet Conrad was on the Varsity Golf Team for two years, and on the National Ski Patrol for two years. In June 1978, Cadet Conrad went to Airborne School in Fort Benning, GA; he completed Basic Airborne Training and earned the Parachutist Badge. Cadet Bill Conrad graduated from West Point on May 28, 1980, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering, and a minor in Political Science.
Cadet Conrad was sworn into the US Army as a Second Lieutenant on May 28, 1980, at the US Military Academy at West Point, New York. In July 1980, 2nd LT Conrad reported to the US Army Infantry Officer Basic Course, then the US Army Infantry Motor Platoon Officer Course at Fort Benning, GA, followed by Ranger School at Fort Benning, GA, where he earned the Ranger Tab in January 1981. In March 1981, 2nd LT Conrad reported as a Mechanized Platoon Leader in Company A, 1st Battalion, 29th Infantry Regiment at Fort Benning, GA. In November 1981, 2nd Lt Conrad was promoted to First Lieutenant, and selected Executive Officer for Company A. In May 1982, he reported to the Special Forces Officer Qualification Course at Fort Bragg, NC, then he completed the Special Forces Detachment Officer Course. In November 1982, 1st LT Conrad assumed command as Detachment Commander, Company C, 10th Special Forces Group Alpha at Fort Devens, MA. He took the Detachment through Special Operations Team, Advanced Training, and extensive evaluation at Fort Bragg, NC through 1983; in February 1984, 1st Lt Conrad was promoted to Captain.
In May 1984, CPT Conrad reported to Fort Novosel, AL, for Rotor Wing Qualification, then for Rotor Wing Flight Qualifications at Fort Rucker, AL. In April 1985, he completed his qualification in UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters. CPT Conrad reported as a Platoon Commander, D Troop, 4th Squadron, 7th Cavalry, 2nd Infantry Division in South Korea in May 1985, and was assigned as the Lift Platoon Commander. In November 1986, CPT Conrad reported as a Flight Platoon Leader, 129th Special Operations Aviation Company (Airborne) at Hunter Army Air Facility, GA. In February 1988, CPT Conrad was assigned as Executive Officer, A Company, 3rd Battalion, 160th Aviation Regiment at Hunter Army Air Facility, GA.
CPT William Conrad, USA resigned his US Army commission on January 17, 1989, and accepted a commission as a Captain in US Air Force Reserve, flying in the California Air National Guard as a HH-60 helicopter pilot for the 129th Rescue Squadron at NAS Moffet Field, CA. From January to May 1990, he matriculated at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo, CA in Construction Management, passed the California General Contractor Exam to obtain a B1 & C-33 Contractors License, and established Conrad Pacific Construction-Design Build Company in Modesto, CA. By November 1990, Cpt Conrad, USAF-R had been flying monthly drills in the HH-60G with the 129th Rescue Wing as the Deputy Commander at NAS Moffet Field, CA.
In September 1991, Bill became a Partner and Managing Officer for First Team Construction, Inc. which was a subdivision home builder. First Team Construction completed commercial redevelopment projects on South Main Street in Santa Ana, CA. From 1991 to 1994, they completed their second commercial development project in the Central Valley. In May 1994, Cpt Conrad was promoted to Major. From 1994 to 1996, they completed their third subdivision in Cere, CA and another subdivision in Modesto, CA.
In 1997, Bill was elected to the Modesto City Council, a city of 200,000 residents, in a special election, to fill a 2-year vacancy and was re-elected in 1999 for four years. During this period, Conrad Pacific Contractors focused on engineering and design services. In early 1999, Maj Conrad volunteered and worked on special programs in Honduras as a troop commander and on the US Southern Border. These were short tours of less than 30 days. In May 2001, Maj Conrad, was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Lt Col Conrad, USAFR was activated in the US Air Force after 9/11; Conrad Pacific Contractors closed in September 2001. From 2001 to 2002, Lt Col Conrad ran a Command Post at the 129th Air Rescue Wing, Moffet Field; he was not able to attend Modesto City Council meetings.
In 2003, Bill was elected as Vice Mayor of Modesto. In 2004, Lt Col Conrad, USAFR spent a year on Title 32 status (activated by the Federal Government to assist the states), setting up two Civil Support Teams in California working for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency during the Democrat and Republican Primaries, since Lt Col Conrad was a former City Councilman, had an Air Force Specialty Code in Civil Engineering. In March of 2007, Lt Col Conrad, USAFR, resigned his commission, and accepted a commission in the US Army as a Lieutenant Colonel, effective September 2007, as the Assistant Plans Officer, 351st Civil Affairs Command, Mountain View, CA. In December 2007, LTC Conrad was assigned as Assistant Plan Officer, 451st Civil Affairs Battalion, Pasadena, TX.
In February 2008, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, LTC Conrad deployed as a Civil Affairs Officer and the Executive Officer of the Provincial Reconstruction Team in the 173rd Brigade Group Alpha, with the 173rd Combat Infantry Team, to Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan. Later due to combat losses at headquarters, LTC Conrad replaced the 173rd S9 Affairs Officer position in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. LTC Conrad coordinated with the Brigade and the State Department involving four provincial reconstruction teams and four civil affairs teams. The area of operation was in Nangarhar, Nuristan, Kunar, and Laghman Provinces. They were the most active insurgencies in Afghanistan; they had 20% casualties and 89 Killed In Action during the deployment.
In May 2009, LTC Conrad returned to CONUS for two weeks leave, to attend his son’s graduation from the US Coast Guard Academy. In August 2009, LTC Conrad returned to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom with the First Mobile Enhancement Team (1st MEB), to the Engineering Brigade Headquarters at Bagram Air Base in Parwan Province. The area of operation was Panjshir, Kapisa, Parwan, and Bamiyan Provinces. From September to November 2009, LTC Conrad was assigned as the 7th Special Forces Group Alpha’s Engineering Officer. Col Scott Spellman was LTC Conrad’s Commanding Officer; he is now LTG Spellman, the 55th Chief Engineer and Commanding General of the US Army Corps of Engineers. In November 2009, LTC Conrad was ordered to return by the US Civil Affairs Branch, since he had too many concurrent tours in Afghanistan.
In July 2010, LTC Conrad went through Human Terrain Training for Afghanistan at Fort Leavenworth, KS, and completed training in December 2010. In January, he was asked to work with BAE Systems Corporation for 5 months in Fort Leavenworth, awaiting his GS-15 appointment as a Human Terrain Leader. The role of the Human Terrain Team is to help the military develop more effective courses of action, such as providing security, essential services, and economic development opportunities to the civilian population to encourage the civilian population to support the host nation government and reduce their support for insurgent groups such as the Taliban.
Lt Col Bill Conrad was Honorably Discharged from the US Army on June 30, 2011. His military awards include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal (3 Oak Leaf Clusters in lieu of 4th Award), Air Force Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Air Force Achievement Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, Airman’s Medal, Army Overseas Service Ribbon, Senior Army Wings, Senior Air Force Wings, Expert Infantry Badge, Senior Aviator Badge, US Army Aviator Badge, Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, Ranger Tab, Special Forces Tab, Expert Rifle Badge, various Service and Campaign Medals.
In June 2011, Bill Conrad was appointed as a GS-15 Human Terrain Leader in the Human Terrain System; he deployed to Kubal international Airport, Afghanistan. He served as a Team Leader and from September 2011 to December 2012, he was appointed as the Director of the Civil-Military Integration/Human Terrain Teams International Security Assistance Force Joint Command’s civil military integration/human terrain teams. He provided senior-level supervision for 29 teams, including 31 PhD Social Scientists. His team conducted research in support of commanders, providing advice for the International Security Assistance Force Joint Commander (a three-star general). The objective of the Human Terrain Team was to research and analyze population ethnography and advise commanders regarding the second and third effects of military operations. In February 2013, Bill Conrad completed his assignment.
Since retiring in 2013, Bill Conrad's priorities have been to spend time with his daughters and support his wife and her work as the owner of First Reality California. By August 2013, Bill moved his family to Reno, Nevada. There, he worked and volunteered for several educational nonprofits. In 2014, he started a podcast, Timelines of Success https://timelinesofsuccess.com , and in 2017, he founded the National Association of Podcasters (https://naop.us), which focuses on Freedom of Speech. Additionally, in 2017, he started working as a professional ski patroller. He worked his way up to being fully trained and avalanche-qualified and responsible for certifying the ski runs' safety from the threat of avalanches. In 2019, he formed Redmove Nevada (Redmove.org), a political event company that supports Republican organizations. He has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to public service, and his strong leadership skills make him an ideal choice for election to the US Senate. With his extensive experience and dedication to the people of Nevada and the Republic, Bill is the kind of US Senator America needs to protect and defend the US Constitution.
LTC Bill Conrad has been endorsed by MajGen Paul E. Vallely, USMA'61, USA (Ret), Cong Barry M. Goldwater, Jr. (R-AZ) (Ret), Cong Robert Simmons, Col-USAR/CIA (R-CT) (Ret), Cong Paul Broun, Cdr-USNR (MC) (R-GA) (Ret), Cong Kerry Bentivolio, SFC/MI-ANG (R-MI) (Ret), and the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC.
LTC Bill Conrad is a member of the West Point Association of Graduates, American Legion, a Life Member of the VFW, a Life Member of the NRA, Special Forces Association, and a Life Member of the Military Officer’s Association of America (MOAA). Bill is the Founder and President of Redmove Nevada in 2021, a Republican grassroots organization that promotes the election of Republican candidates who run for elective office. Bill, his wife Karen of 39 years, and their children are members of Our Lady of Snows Catholic Church in Reno, NV. Their three children are, Lcdr Bryan Conrad, USCG, US Coast Guard Academy Class of 2009, their 24-year-old daughter, First LT Kailey Conrad Hunter, USA, West Point Class of 2022, and their 21-year-old daughter, Cadet Joanna Conrad, West Point Class of 2024.
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse Lieutenant Colonel William B. Conrad, USMA'80, USA (Ret) (GreenBeret) who will bring to US Senate his experience in the private sector, his government skills in elective office, his military experience as a combat tested Green Beret Officer, and his common sense to better solve problems in government to represent Nevada and the Republic. If you review LTC Conrad’s stated positions listed on his website, you will be pleased with his policy positions; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with LTC Conrad and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for the US Senate in Nevada.
If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in Nevada, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support LTC Conrad by working on his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. He is a Combat Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”