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Ammar Campa-Najjar vs Congressman Duncan D Hunter, Maj-USMCR (R-CA-50)

  • Ammar Campa-Najjar vs Congressman Duncan D Hunter, Maj-USMCR (R-CA-50)

By Capt Joseph R. John, August 23, 2018: Op Ed # 399

The Democrat candidate running against Congressman Duncan Hunter, in the 50th Congressional District, is 28 year old Ammar Campa-Najjar who has family ties to the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).  He was taken to the Gaza Strip to be raised among Palestinians by his Palestinian father, Yasser al-Najjar, and remained there until age 12.

His grandfather, Muhammad Yusuf al-Najjar (aka Abu Yusuf) was the Radical Islamic Terrorist, and member of the Black September Organization, who was the mastermind and executioner in the operation that murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Germany.  

Prior to Barrack Hussein Obama’s election, Ammar Campo-Najjar was Obama’s Campaign Deputy Regional Director, and after Barack Hussein Obama took office, Campa-Najjar was appointed to serve as Head of the Office of Public Affairs of the Employment and Training Administration in the Labor Department. 

Ammar Campa-Najjar is strongly supported by Barrack Hussein Obama who appointed him to a position in the Obama administration, by Democrat Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) whom Ammar Campa-Najjar states he admires, by CAIR (the front group for the Muslim Brotherhood), by The Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorist Organization, by Act Blue--the Radical Leftist and Progressive Organization, and by the Podesta Group that ran Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign.

A national fundraising office has been set up to solicit donations from supporters of The Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR in all 50 states (Amar Campa-Najjar’s supporters have donated $750,000+ from throughout the nation---not bad for a 28 year old, wet behind the ears young man, who has never run for anything in his life); a national fundraising office has also been set up to solicit funds for Omar Kamal Quadrat.

Ammar Campa-Najjar has some notable donors, listed in the Ammar Cala-Najjar FEC Public Web site, where anyone can easily view his current list of donors by going to that FEC Public Web site.  Act Blue raised $500,000 for Ammar’s campaign, mainly from Washington, DC, Virginia, and Massachusetts.  

Ammar Campa-Najjar has some notable donors:  International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers PAC (based in DC), Communications Workers of America-Cope PAC (also in DC), Arab American Leadership Council PAC (based in DC),  Arab American Democratic Action Fund (in Fairfax, Virginia), U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, Arab American Institute Foundation, Interfaith Peacebuilders, United Association Political Education Committee, Nadia Saah--Director of the Institute for Middle East Understanding, George Ramirez who works for the Podesta Group, and hundreds of donors with Arabic last names—some of the same organizations that donated to Ammar Campa-Najjar, donated to Omar Kamal Qudrat.


The Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorist Organization and CAIR have a full court press on San Diego County.  They have managed to compromise members of the San Diego Unified School Board (probably by making financial donations to their re-election campaigns), and got them to include Islam and Sharia Law in the public school curriculum for San Diego students instruction, without allowing an equal amount of instruction time for Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or the Mormon religions.  


There are 19 Muslim Mosques in San Diego County, and members of those Mosques are, no doubt, being mobilized by CAIR and The Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorist Organization to support the election to Congress of Ammar Campa-Najjar and Omar Kamal Quadrat in the San Diego 50th and 52nd Congressional Districts; supporters of The Muslim Brotherhood are intent on taking control of two Congressional seats in San Diego County this November.


Normally, if you are an elected Democrat to Congress, the types of allegation made against Republican Congressmen would be held off by the corrupt Justice Department, until after the Congressional elections; Cong John Conyers (D-MI), Cong Charles Rangel (D-NY), Cong William Jefferson (D-LA), Cong Alan Grayson (D-FL), etc.  But not for someone who, like Cong Hunter, was an early backer of President Donald J. Trump.  The two members of the Justice Department who are prosecuting Congressman Hunter, are holdovers from the Obama administration; they both attended Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign event in La Jolla. 


If Congressman Hunter is found guilty of the charges brought against him, just 80 days before the Congressional election, there would be a special election held for that Congressional seat, and the Republican Party would have an opportunity to nominate an alternate candidate to run for office in Congressman Hunter’s place.  


In order to prevent the supporters of CAIR, and the Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorist Organization from taking the seat in the 50th Congressional District, San Diegans should re-elect Congressman Duncan Hunter who was set up at the last moment by the Deep State.  All Americans should be considered innocent until proven guilty.  Do not let the left of center liberal media establishment strip this seat away from the Republican column!

Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.