Congressman Thomas M. Barrett
CW2Barrettis a combat veteran of the USArmy National Guard.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofMI.Primary Date:

Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing Chief Warrant Officer TWO Thomas M. Barrett, MI-ARNG as the 152nd Combat Veteran For Congress in 14 years, who resides in Charlotte, MI and served 22 years in the US Army and the Michigan Army National Guard. CW2 Barrett was a UH-72 twin engine Lakota pilot. CW2 Barrett, who is a Conservative Republican, who states our country is headed in the wrong direction; is running for election in the 7th Congressional District of Michigan, being vacated by three term incumbent Democrat Representative Elissa Slotkin in an uncontested Republican Primary election. CW2 Barrett is running to save the dream that is the America he fought for, and to protect and defend the US Constitutional Republic.
CW2 Barrett is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to reduce the national debt, cut taxes, will work to unleash the economic growth in the private sector, and stimulate business investments to create jobs for Michigan residents and Americans throughout the nation. He is an avid supporter of Law Enforcement, will fight to strengthen the US Armed Forces, will protect the Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, and the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms guaranteed by the US Constitution. He will defend traditional Family Values and will provide “true” representation for the average American voter in Michigan and in the Republic. CW2 Barrett understands issues facing members of the US Armed Forces and will ensure they are cared for both while serving their country on active duty, as reservists, and in their retirement years as Veterans.
CW2 Barrett strongly supports The Free Enterprise System, opposes Communist China’s Marxist agenda that is a threat to the founding principles of the Republic, and will work to stop the out-of-control spending by irresponsible Socialist Democrat members in Congress. CW2 Barrett will work to stop the 3-year invasion of the United States thru the wide-open southern border by 14 million Illegal Aliens that the Social Democrats have permitted, by primarily single military aged males, from 170 countries, who are now entering at the rate of over 300,000 a month. He will work to prevent the entry of MS-13 gang members, Radical Islamic Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, and Iranian Terrorists, human traffickers, and fentanyl drugs from Communist China that are murdering over 100,000 young Americans each year.
CW2 Barrett will be running for election against a Social Democrat candidate, Curtis Hertel, who will support and promote the Radical Liberal Progressive agenda to change the US Constitutional Republic into a Marxist State. Socialist Democrats will continue to vote to increase taxes, will promote out of control big government inflationary spending which has driven inflation to 18%, the highest inflation in 40 years. Hertel will support the policies that have been destroying the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces by supporting the indoctrination of the anti-White Racist Marxist created DEI agenda and Critical Race Theory. He will continue to prevent closure of the wide-open southern border thru which the invasion of the US is taking place, will vote to eliminate the Electoral College, and will vote to eliminate the support giving millions of unregistered Illegal Aliens the right to vote, even if they have criminal records.
The Social Democrats will continue to provide free housing, free medical care, free education, free food stamps, and free financial aid to education for Illegal Alien dependents. Herel would turn his back on 18 million Veterans, who repeatedly put their lives on the line to defend the Republic and are sleeping on the street without the free housing, free medical care, or free food stamps that Social Democrats are giving to millions of Illegal Aliens who broke US Federal Immigration Laws. Hertel’s record is extremely liberal, and he is soft on crime. Hertel has questionable ties to the Communist Chinese government and supports their Battery plant project that is coming to rural Michigan. In violation of the “Stolen Valor Act of 2013’, Hertel wore a US Army uniform at a Veterans Day event, misleading attendees since he never served in the US Army. “Stolen Valor,” to lie about serving in the military, or impersonating a military member, just to brag or impress others is a crime. Doing so is morally reprehensible; the deception is not enough to fine a violator of “Stolen Valor”; they should be put in jail.
Thomas M. Barrett was born on April 30, 1981, in Southfield, MI. Tom was influenced to serve in the US military early in life by his grandfather and father who served in the US Army. Tom’s grandfather, Jack Barrett, served in the US Army during WWI, and saw combat with the Japanese invaders in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska; he was discharged as a Staff Sergent at the end of WWII. Tom’s father, Patrick Barrett, served in the US Army and served in Europe in the 1970’s; he was discharged as a Specialist. Tom was raised in Madison Heights, MI. He attended Lamphere High School in Madison Heights and was a scholar athlete who played varsity football and was a member of the National Honor Society; Tom graduated in June 2000.
Following in his grandfather’s and father’s footsteps, while still in Lamphere High School, on December 23, 1999, Tom was sworn into the US Army at MEPS Station in Warren, MI as a Private, as part of the delayed entry program since he was still in high school. Tom was sworn in again on June 28, 2000, as a Private in the US Army, following graduation from High School at the same MEPS Station in Warren, MI. He attended Basic Training at Fort Sill, OK in June 2000. In July 2000, following Basic training, PVT Barrett deployed to Camp Hovey in South Korea, he reported to 2nd Battalion, 17th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division; he was assigned as a Field Artillery Forward Observer. In 2001, Private First Class Barrett attended Air Assault School. In June 2002, SPC Barrett returned to CONUS. SPC Barrett was transferred to the Michigan Army National Guard, and was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 119th Field Artillery Regiment. He enrolled in the Political Science curriculum, at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI.
In November 2003, Sgt Barrett’s Michigan Army National Guard Battalion deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to supplement the US Army Military Police Guard Force, to guard detainees at the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp in the US Detention Facility on the Guantánamo Bay Naval Base, located in southeastern Cuba; he was assigned as a Block Sargent working in one of cell blocks. Shortly after arriving, Sgt Barrett traveled with a US Army Military Police detachment to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan to take custody of detainees for transportation back to Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp. In February 2004, Sgt Barrett received orders to report to the Primary Leadership Development School at Gitmo, and graduated on the Commandant’s list. In November 2004, Sgt Barrett’s National Guard Battalion was detached from the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp and returned to Michigan.
Upon return from Cuba in 2004, Sgt Barrett re-enrolled in Western Michigan University. In June 2006, Sgt Barrett attended Basic Non-Commissioned Officers Course at Fort McCoy in Monroe County, Wisconsin. In August 2006, following completion of the Non-Commissioned Officers Course, Sgt Barrett was promoted to Staff Seargent. SSG Barrett was transferred to the 1st Battalion, 126th Calvary Regiment, Michigan Army National Guard. In June 2007, Tom Barrett graduated from Western Michigan University with Honors and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science and Public Policy. April 2009, Target Corporation employed Tom, in Grand Rapids. In January 2008, he was given a leave of absence to go on Active Duty in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
In January 2008, SSG Barrett was mobilized to report to Ford Hood, TX as part of the 1st Battalion, 126th Cavalry Regiment to prepare for combat duty. In March 2008, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, SSG Barrett deployed with the 1st Battalion, 126th Calvary Regiment to Camp Virginia, Kuwait where Battalion Headquarters was established. The Battalion’s assigned mission was to provide security for convoys delivering supplies and ammunition to US Army units in Iraq. SSG Barrett was assigned as a squad leader and Convoy Commander to deliver supplies throughout the Iraqi theatre of operations. He logged thousands of miles transiting various convoy routes into and throughout Iraq, spending one or more nights in Iraq, after arriving in Iraq. The 126th Squadron received order to return to Michigan in December 2008, just prior to Christmas.
In January 2009, Tom was employed as an Analyst for the Michigan State Treasurer, in Lansing, MI. In January 2010, Tom was given a two year leave of absence to serve in the Michigan Army National Guard. In January 2010, SSG Barrett received orders to report to Warrant Officer Candidate Course at Fort Rucker, AL; he was the Distinguished Honor Graduate, and in March 2010, SSG Barrett was promoted to Warrant Officer ONE. In March 2010, WO1 Barrett attended Basic Rotary Wing Course at Fort Rucker AL, graduating in November 2011. WO1 was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 112th Army Aviation Regiment, Michigan Army National Guard.
In May 2012, WO1 Barrett was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer Two; CW2 Barrett served in the Michigan Army National Guard in drilling flying status while working for the Michigan State Treasurer until 2014. In 2014, Tom Barrett ran for election and served as a Representative in the State Legislature until his retirement from the Michigan Army National Guard in March 2022.
After serving the United States for 23 years, CW2 Thomas M Barrett, MI-USANG (Ret) was Honorably Discharged on March 31, 2022 at Grand Ledge, MI. His awards include the Army Commendation Medal (the Oak Leaf Cluster for a 2nd Award) Army Achievement Medal (the Oak Leaf Cluster for a 2nd Award), Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal (6th Award), Korean Defense Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon (two Bronze Stars for 3rd Award), Basic Aviator Badge, Air Assault Badge, and various Service and Campaign Medals.
Thomas Barrett ran for election and served as a Representative in the Michigan State Legislature for eight years, from January 1, 2015, to January 1, 2023. From January 1, 2015, to January 1, 2019, Thomas Barrett was elected as the MI State Representative, representing State Legislative District 71. From January 1, 2019, to January 1, 2023, Thomas Barrett was subsequently elected as the MI State Senator representing State Senate District 24. During that same period, he served in the Michigan Army National Guard until he was Honorably Discharged on March 31, 2022.
CW2 Barrett has been endorsed by Speaker of the House Cong Michael Johnson (R-LA), Chairman of House Energy and Commerce Cong Richard Hudson (R-NC), Chairwoman of House Republican Conference Cong Elise Stefanik (R-NY), House Majority Whip Cong Tom Emmer (R-MN), Cong Jack Bergman, Lt Gen-USMCR (Ret)(R-MI-1), Cong Kerry Bentivolio, SFC/MI-ANG (Ret)(R-MI), Cong John James, USMA ‘04/Cpt-USA(R-MI), Cong John Moolenaar (R-MI), CONG Lisa McClain (R-MI), Cong Tim Walberg (R-MI), Cong Bill Huizenga (R-MI), State Sen Lana Theis (S Dist-22), State Sen Jim Runestad (S Dist-23), State Rep Graham Filler (H Dist-93), State Rep Ann Bollin (H Dist-49), State Rep Brian Begole (H Dist-71), and the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC.
CW2 Barrett is a member of the American Legion, NRA, VFW, Army Aviation Association, The Knights of Columbus, Tom and his wife Ashley of 15 years and their children Patrick (10), Eleanora (9), Gwendolyn (6), and Louis (3) are members of Saint Mary’s Catholic Church in Charlotte, MI. Their children attend school at Saint Mary’s.
The Combat Veteran’s For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse Chief Warrant Officer TWO Thomas M. Barrett, MI-ARNG (Ret) who will bring to Congress extraordinary public sector, private sector skills, extensive military experience, and wisdom to better solve problems and represent the state of Michigan and the Republic. If you review CW2 Barrett’s positions on his Web site, you will be pleased with his stands; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with CW2 Barrett and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for Congress.
If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in Michigan, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support CW2 Barrett by working on his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. He is a Combat Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”