Congressman Trent Kelly
CongressmanKellyis a combat veteran of the USArmy National Guard.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofMS.

Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is supporting the election of 103rd endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress to run for re-election to Congress over the last 7 1/2 years; he is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out of control spending by the Congress and the Obama Administration. He will work toward unleashing the private sector to create jobs, eliminating newly imposed federal regulations that have restricted the growth of small business, take care of the Nation’s Veterans, and will provide for a strong National Defense, Congressman Trent Kelly, BGen-MSARNG (R-MS-1) resides in Saltillo, MS and is a 30 year veteran of the Mississippi Army National Guard. Cong Kelly believes in the sanctity of life, traditional family values, the right of citizens to keep and bear arms, and will support enforcement of Immigration Laws to stop Illegal Aliens from crossing the southern border. In June 2015, BGen Kelly won a Special Election to fill the vacant seat that resulted from the untimely passing of Congressman Alan Nunnelee (R-MS-1).
Trent Kelly was born and raised in Union, MS on March 1, 1966, and graduated from Union High School in Union, MS in June 1984. In June1986, Trent received an Associate’s Degree from East Central Community College in Decatur, MS. In June 1989, Trent received a Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA) in Business Administration from University of Mississippi, Oxford University, MS. In June 1994, Trent graduated Cum Laude, from the University of Mississippi School of Law with a Doctorate of Law Degree (JD). BGen Kelly graduated from US Army War College in Carlisle, PA in July 2010 with a Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies.
In December, 1985, Trent Kelly was sworn in as a Private in the Mississippi Army National Guard (MSARGN) assigned to the 134th Engineer Company, Union, MS; on May 16, 1986, PVT Kelly was promoted to Private First Class (PFC) and was ordered to US Army Basic Training at Ft Leonard Wood, MO, and on completion of training was transferred back into the MSARNG on July 16, 1986. On August 15, 1986, PFC Kelly was sworn in as a Cadet in the Reserve Officer Training Corps at the University of Mississippi and was ordered to Engineer Basic Training, completing training in September 1986.
In May, 1987, Cadet Kelly entered ROTC Advanced Summer Training at Fort Riley, KS, and completed training in September, 1987. On May 14, 1988, Trent Kelly was sworn in as a Second Lieutenant (2LT) in the Mississippi Army National Guard (MSARGN) at the University of Mississippi and received orders to Engineer Officers Basic Course at Fort Belvoir, VA, completing training in September 1988. From January, 1989, to May, 1989, 2LT Kelly was a student in Engineer Officers Basic Course in Fort Belvoir. He received his BA Degree in Business Administration from the University of Mississippi in December 1989, and received orders to report as a Platoon Leader in the 134th Engineer Company, MSANG, in Carthage, MS.
On December 7, 1990, 2LT Kelly was augmented into the US Army, received orders to train for possible mobilization in support of Operation Desert Storm at Camp Shelby, MS, Fort Hood, TX, and Fort Irwin, CA; he was assigned as the Assault and Obstacle Platoon Leader in the 134th Engineer Company. On May 24, 1991, 2LT Kelly was promoted to First Lieutenant (1LT); at the end of May, 1991, the 134thEngineer Company was demobilized at Camp Shelby, MS. On January 27, 1992 ,1LT Kelly was ordered to the Armor Advanced Course at Fort Knox, KY, where, on completion of training on June 16, 1992, he was assigned as Executive Officer of the 134th Engineer Company. In June , 1993, 1LT Kelly took command of the 134th Engineer Company, and in September, 1993, he was promoted to Captain. In June, 1994, CPT Kelly was given command of Alpha Company, 150th Engineer Battalion, and in July, 1995, he was assigned as the Assistant Brigade Engineer of the 150th Engineer Battalion in Meridian, MS. In July, 1996, he was assigned to the joint billets of Intelligence (S2) and Operations (S3) in the Engineer Battalion, and in June. 1998, he was assigned as the Engineer Officer of the Army National Guard Training Command at Camp Shelby, MS.
On October 16, 1998, CPT Kelly was promoted to Major (MAJ), and in December, 1998, he was assigned to the Control Group, US Army Reserve. On November 22, 2000, MAJ Kelly received orders to report to the 150th Engineer Battalion in Meridian, MS, in the joint billets of Intelligence (S2) and Operations (S3). After completing the first three phases by correspondence and a fourth phase of training at Fort Dix, NJ, MAJ Kelly graduated from the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, in June, 2004. On July 25, 2004, MAJ Kelly was mobilized on active duty to report to Camp Shelby, MS, as the Operations Officer (S3), 150th Engineer Battalion, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The battalion deployed to Kuwait City, Kuwait, on January 3, 2005, then on to Forward Operations Base (FOB) Kalsu and to FOB Dogwood in Iraq on January 16, 2005, where MAJ Kelly was assigned as an Iraqi Security Force Advisor.
MAJ Kelly was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) on January 31, 2005; in May, 2005, LTC Kelly transferred to the 155th Brigade Combat Team to serve as an Advisor with Iraqi Security Forces. His assignment required him to train and equip all Iraqi Army, Police, and Border Patrol units in three provinces in Iraq. On December 27, 2005, LTC Kelly flew out of FOB Kalsu to Kuwait City to return to Continental United States (CONUS), arriving at Camp Shelby, MS on December 30, 2005. For his service in Iraq, LTC Kelly was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Combat Action Badge, the Overseas Medal, and various Service and Campaign Medals.
On January 31, 2006, LTC Kelly received orders to take command of the 150th Engineer Battalion in Meridian, MS; in July, 2006, he was ordered to take command of the 155th Special Troop Battalion in Meridian, MS. In May 2009, LTC Kelly was again mobilized on active duty in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and reported to Camp Shelby, MS, as the Battalion Commander of the 155th Special Troop Battalion, a command of 600 military personnel. The 155th arrived in Kuwait City in May 2009, and was forward deployed to Coalition Operating Base Taji, Iraq in June, 2009. The Battalion, known as “Task Force Knight”, consisted of four companies; 2 Ohio Cavalry Companies, a Kentucky Military Police Company, and a Headquarters Company from MS.
From June 2009 to April 2010, the 155th Special Troops Battalion conducted convoy security operations, provided base defense for Camp Taji and was detailed to provide Personnel Security Detachments in Baghdad. In April, 2010, LTC Kelly was transferred to Kuwait City to return to CONUS, arriving at Camp Shelby, MS, in late April 2010. For this tour in Iraq, LTC Kelly was awarded the Bronze Star Medal (w/Oak Leaf Cluster for 2nd Award), the Overseas Medal (w/Numeral 2), and various Service and Campaign Medals.
On June 6, 2010, LTC Kelly received orders as Coordinator, Family Readiness Center, Joint Forces Headquarters, Jackson, MS (JFH). After completing courses at the US Army War College (AWC) at Carlisle Barracks, PA, two correspondence courses in the fall of 2008, and two weeks at the AWC in 2009, LTC Kelly graduated from the AWC in July 2010 with a Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies. In July, 2011, he received orders to relieve the Branch Chief, Personnel Records Division, at JFH.
On October 1, 2012, LTC Kelly was promoted to Colonel (COL) and received orders to report as Deputy Brigade Commander, 168th Engineer Brigade, Vicksburg, MS. In October 2014, COL Kelly received orders to report as Brigade Commander, 168th Engineer Brigade, which consisted of 1400 Soldiers from the 223rdEngineer Battalion, the 890th Engineer Battalion, and multiple Engineer Specialty Companies from throughout MS.
BGen Kelly’s military awards include the Bronze Star Medal (w/Oak Leaf Cluster for 2nd Award), the Army Commendation Medal (w/Two Oak Leaf Clusters for 3rd Award), the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Achievement Medal, the Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal (w/Two Oak Leaf Clusters for 3rd Award), the Combat Action Badge, the Overseas Medal (w/Numeral 2), and various Service and Campaign Medals.
BGen Kelly started the practice of Law in April 1995 in Saltillo, Lee County, MS. From 1995 until November, 1999, BGen Kelly maintained a general law office, focusing on many areas of law. In November 1999, he was appointed as the City Prosecutor for Tupelo, MS. In 2000 he was assigned as the Drug Forfeitures Attorney for the North Mississippi Narcotics Unit. He was the Prosecutor for the Town of Sherman from 2000 to July, 2004, until he was recalled to active service for combat duty in Iraq. Following this tour of duty, BGen Kelly served as City Prosecutor for Tupelo and as the Drug Forfeiture Attorney for the North Mississippi Narcotics Unit until January 2012.
In November, 2011, BGen Kelly was elected District Attorney for the 1st Circuit Judicial District for a term beginning in January, 2012, for the 7 counties of Alcorn, Lee, Itawamba, Pontotoc, Monroe, Prentiss, and Tishomingo. His duties included being responsible for the prosecution of all felonies committed in the 7 counties. He maintained two offices and managed 11 Assistant District Attorneys, 3 Criminal Investigators, 2 Victim Assistant Coordinators, and 3 office staff members. For 10 years, BGen Kelly also taught Constitutional Law and State Statutes at the North Mississippi Law Enforcement Academy in Tupelo, MS.
BGen Kelly is a member of the Mississippi Bar Association, the Lee County Bar Association, the Mississippi Prosecutors Association, the Saltillo Masonic Lodge, the American Legion, the NRA, the VFW, the Association of Army Engineers, the Mississippi National Guard Officers Association, the Eagle Scout Association, the Military Officers Association of America, the Lee County Republican Party, and the MS Republican Party. He was Mississippi’s State Nominee for the McArthur Leadership Award in 1994 and is a Board Member of the Mississippi Prosecutors Section of the Mississippi Bar Association. He is a Lifetime Alumnus of the US Army War College and has been endorsed by the Combat Veterans For Congress Political Action Committee for election to the US House of Representatives.
BGen Kelly has been married to his wife Shelia (Stephens) Kelly for 25 years; they have three children; John Forrest (age 19), Morgan Grace (age 15), and Jackson Trent (age 9). BGen Kelly, his wife, and children attend Saltillo First Methodist Church in Saltillo, MS.
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to re-endorse Congressman Trent Kelly, BGen-MSARNG (R-MS-1) who will bring to Congress private sector skills, his experience in Congress, and his wisdom to better solve problems in government and represent the 1st Congressional District of Mississippi and the Republic. If you review BGen Kelly’s positions on his Web site, you will be pleased with his position on critical issues, they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with Cong Kelly, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for Congress. If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in the 1st Congressional District of Mississippi, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support Cong Kelly by working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. He is a Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”