State Senator Jarred "Jay" Collins
State SenatorCollinsis a combat veteran of the USArmy.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofFL.
Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 144th Combat Veteran For Congress in 13 years, First Sergeant Jarred “Jay” Collins, USA (Ret) (Green Beret) (WW) who resides in Tampa, FL, and served 23 years in the US Army. Despite the amputation of his left leg, because of combat action, he requalified as a fully deployable Green Beret, and continued to serve more than five additional years of active duty. 1SG Collins is running for election in the 14th Congressional District of Florida currently represented by 8-term Democratic Liberal and Progressive incumbent, Representative Kathy Castor. 1SG Collins is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to reduce the national debt, will support economic growth, will work toward unleashing the private sector to grow, to create jobs, stimulate private sector business investment. He is an avid supporter of Law Enforcement, will vote to strengthen the US Armed Forces, will protect the Freedom of Religion and Speech guaranteed by the US Constitution.
1SG Collins will defend traditional Family Values and will provide “true” representation for the average American voter in Florida and in the Republic. First Sgt Collins understands issues facing members of the US Armed Forces and will ensure they are cared for both while serving their country on active duty, as reservists, and in their retirement as Veterans. He strongly supports The Free Enterprise System, considers the Socialist Democrat Party’s agenda a threat to the founding principles of the Republic, and will work to stop the out-of-control spending by irresponsible Socialist Democrat members of Pelosi’s Marxist Caucus. 1SG Collins will support securing the wide-open southern border, to prevent the entry of drugs, MS-13 gang members, terrorists, human traffickers, and the over 200,000 Illegal Aliens from 160 countries who are entering the United States each month.
Rep Kathy Castor has voted along party lines over 92% of the time, in lockstep with Pelosi, and who for 16 years has contributed to the irresponsible out of control spending by the irresponsible members of the Socialist Democrats in Congress. Castor voted against repealing the flawed Obamacare law, voted to reduce Tricare benefits for military veterans and retirees, and voted against extending the requirement of implementation of Obamacare for private citizens. She voted to impeach President Trump twice, with no proof that there were impeachable actions by the President of the United States. She voted to keep the southern border open so over two million Illegal Aliens from 160 countries could flood across a wide-open border.
In an example of poor leadership, Castor voted for the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement to give Radical Islamic Terrorists nuclear weapons. She voted against reducing personal income tax. She supports the removal of the Electoral College, supports giving the vote to 1.2 million Illegal Aliens regardless of their criminal records, supports free medical care for Illegal Aliens while forty thousand homeless Veterans are sleeping on the streets with no medical care, supports abortion to the day of birth. She is in support of government controlled Universal Health Care; “Medicare for all”.
Jarred "Jay” Collins was born on April 28, 1976, in Scobey, MT; he was raised and attended public school in Scobey. Jay’s grandfather served as a Sergeant First Class in the US Army in the European Theatre during WWII, which inspired young Jay Collins to eventually enlist in the U.S. Army. Jay attended Scobey High School where he ran track, played baseball and football; he received All Conference Football and All State Football Team recognition. Jay graduated from Scobey High School in June 1994 in Fargo, South Dakota.
On January 3, 1996, Jarred Collins was sworn into the US Army at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) in Fargo, ND. Private Jarred Collins reported for Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. In March 1996 he continued training at Fort Huachuca, AZ in the Intelligence Analyst Course and completed training in June 1996. He reported for duty to the Battlefield Coordination Detachment (BCD) in the Republic of South Korea. In September 1996, PV2 Collins was promoted to Private First Class. While assigned there, Collins attended the Collection Management Course and the Joint Targeting Course in Seoul, South Korea.
In May 1997 PFC Collins was promoted to Specialist. In February 1998, SPC Collins reported to the Primary Leadership Development Course at Fort Hood, TX, following graduation in August 1998, SPC Collins was promoted to Sergeant. In September of 1999 SGT Collins was assigned to the Joint Analysis Center (JAC) in RAF Molesworth in the UK, winning USEUCOM Intelligence soldier of the year in 1999. In November 2000, SGT Collins was promoted to Staff Sergeant.
In January of 2001, SSG Collins was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division's 1/325 Airborne Infantry Regiment. In March 2001, SSG Collins reported to the Basic Airborne Course at Fort Benning, GA. In November of 2002, SSG Collins attended the Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS). He was selected to train to become an 18D Special Forces Medic. In January of 2002, SSG Collins reported for training to the Special Forces Qualification Course. In June 2003, he graduated from the Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course at Fort Bragg, NC.
In January 2004, SSG Collins reported to the Special Forces Medical Sergeant Course at Fort Bragg, NC. In August 2004, following completion of the Special Forces Medical Sergeant Course, SSG Collins was promoted to Sergeant First Class. From 2004 through 2005, SFC Collins continued his military career completing required training in advanced Special Operations Techniques, Urban Combat, Tactical Movement Training to earn his Special Forces Tab as a Medic. In April 2005, SSG Collins was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group A. He served on Operational Detachment Alpha's (ODA) 732 and 734. Collins deployed twice to Colombia in support of SOUTHCOM.
On March 12, 2007, SFC Collins deployed from Fort Bragg in support of Operations Enduring Freedom to Afghanistan as a Special Forces Senior Medic (Supervisor) with the 1st Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group A. The Battalion was assigned to Fire Base Anaconda in the Uruzgan Province of Afghanistan. Routine daily patrols normally departed in the middle of the night and winded their way through the lush valleys outside of the firebase. In April 2007 on another patrol, a couple of hours after the patrol began, the enigmatic sound of small arms fire, and intense explosions from IED’s and RPGs began. Explosions and bullets were snapping around SFC Collins, hitting his truck and gun plate. He fired back and engaged the enemy.
SFC Collins shirt is ripped open, he is hit in the arm; about a liter of blood has soaked his arm and chest, fell on the gun deck. He put a torniquet on his arm, and the firing starts again. Almost 4 hours later, the fight is over, and the patrol is back at Fire Base Anaconda; Collins waives off evacuation so others can go. SFC Collins helped in treating all the casualties.
About 8-10 hours later, it is becoming apparent that SFC Collins needs surgery. Nothing could have mentally prepared SFC Collins to get ready to do surgery on himself, and cut into his own arm, but it had to be done. Medically knowing what needed to be done ensured that he did it – but the cold, surgical reality of the scalpel cutting into his flesh was jarring physically and emotionally. His junior medic and he perform a fasciotomy and debridement; 24 hours later he is evacuated by helicopter to obtain higher medical care. Four more surgeries, and 30 days later in May 2007, SFC Collins returned to his team-and back to the fight.
On August 8, 2007, 75 Taliban militants mounted a frontal assault for the first-time during Operations Enduring Freedom; mortars, RPG’s, rockets, recoilless rifles, and small arms fire reign into the tiny FB. The defenders had been in combat for hours. SFC Collins was on the rooftop of the Operations Center directing the defense of the firebase. A mortar hits the side of the building, SFC Collins was peppered with shrapnel; he fell back about twenty feet landing hard on his back and left leg.
After clearing his head and checking his vitals, he stood-up, and dusted himself off. He had a splitting headache, his back hurt, but the Taliban were still attacking the FB; after many hours of combat, they were eventually repulsed, and the Taliban militants sustained twenty fatalities. Despite his serious injuries SFC Collins could not get evacuated. He eventually got advance medical attention for his serious back, leg, and shrapnel injuries; his injuries would eventually lead to the amputation of his left leg. SFC Collins departed Afghanistan with the 1st Battalion 7th Special Forces Group A and returned to Fort Bragg on November 16, 2007.
In late October 2007 with his unit, SPC Collins was having serious issues with his left leg and back, but he began training at Fort Bragg in November 2007 to be selected to a Special Mission Unit. As he trained for the assignment, he began having foot weakness issues, tripping, falling, and the pain that was getting worse. Despite those issues he kept pushing. In March 2008, SPC Collins continued to go through training at a selected course, and in June 2008 SFC Collins was transferred to Special Warfare Medical Group A as a Senior Medical Instructor and Writer. In March 2009, despite the now explosive pain in his back and left leg, he continued the stressful training. In August 2009, he was selected and transferred to the US Army Special Operations Command A as an Assault Medic.
Upon arriving and in-processing at US Army Special Operations Command A, it was determined that he required emergency back surgery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He had broken bones, and herniated discs throughout his lower back; the hope was that the surgery would help return function to his weakened left leg. Over the next few months, he had minor improvement in his left leg, but the strength and function of his leg was not right. On June2, 2011, in Support of Operation New Dawn, SFC Collins deployed from Fort Bragg for Iraq as a Special Forces Operations Sergeant. While on this deployment, SFC Collins served as the J3 "CHOPS", responsible for the operational coordination of the Special Operations Task Force nighttime operations. He was part of the Special Forces team that prepared for the closeout of Iraq. On November 23, 2011, SFC Collins returned Fort Bragg. In March 2012, SFC Collins was promoted to Master Sergeant. MSG Collins went through Live Nerve Agent Training in Canada, completed the Military Freefall Jumpmaster Course at Fort Bragg, and the Advanced HAZMAT Life Support Course at Fort Bragg.
By the fall of 2012, his foot was insensate, and did not move - the hair was falling out, the pain was constant, enveloping – burning, stabbing and explosive. There was no escape from it. He could not run, jump, or do his job, he had pitting edema over an inch deep. His foot and leg were swelling to twice it’s normal size, by the end of each day. He was now wearing 120 MMhg medical hose to keep his leg skinny enough to fit in his boot. He put his leg in the IDEO brace system to compensate for his lack of muscle function. He was repeatedly breaking those braces over the next year, while he was fast-roping, skydiving, running, jumping, and shooting, while being a Green Beret.
In November 2013, Special Forces leadership and Medical Doctors, attempted to convince MSG Collins that this was the end of the military duties as he knew them. His career as a Special Forces soldier could not continue as it had in the past, and that he should accept his new reality, which would mean his career and service to the nation would have to change. He was transferred to the MAYO Clinic in Arizona for medical evaluation and surgery, the transfer to the MAYO Clinic saved his career and his life.
The MAYO Clinic found that MSG Collins had nerve damage, and a substantial back and leg issue. He also had no lymphatic function, and severe vascular compromise. Their best guess was that the proximity of the mortar explosion and subsequent overpressure caused those issues. The team of doctors were willing to consider his desire to get back to military duty and to improve his long-term health. After careful consideration, multiple physical and psychological evaluations MSG Collins and the surgeons determined amputation would give him the best chance at a full and fulfilling life.
After two weeks at the Mayo Clinic, his left leg was amputated, he transitioned to Walter Reed-Bethesda for rehabilitation, and spent 5 months there through June 2014. In July 2014, he was transferred to the 1st Special Forces Command at Fort Bragg and assigned as the Senior Medical Advisor. In January 2015, approximately 1 year after amputation, MSG Collins was found fully fit for duty as a one-legged Green Beret. In April 2017, MSG Collins was promoted to First Sergeant, and was transferred to the Special Warfare Medical Group in Headquarters/Headquarters Company, 1st Specials Forces Command, he continued his military career completing required training as a Special Operations Sergeant. In January 2019, 1SG Collins handed over responsibilities of his company.
Following his amputation, MSG Collins requalified as a fully deployable Green Beret and served for more than five additional years on active duty. He served as a Special Forces Intelligence Analyst for much of his military career and served as a Special Forces Senior Sergeant for more than seven years. Over a two-year period, 1SG Collins as a member of Special Operations Command Team, competed athletically during Warrior Games 2017 (medaled 8 times), Warrior Games 2018 (medaled 6 times), and as a member of Team USA in the 2018 Invictus Games in Australia (medaled once).
First Sgt Jarred "Jay" Collins, USA (Ret) (Green Beret) (WW) was Honorably Discharged and retired on February 18, 2019, at Fort Bragg, NC, after 23 years of service in the US Army. His military awards for active duty service include The Soldier’s Medal, The Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart Medal, (Oak Leaf Cluster for 2nd Award) Defense Meritorious Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (Oak Leaf Cluster for 2nd Award), Joint Services Commendation Medal (Oak Leaf Cluster for 2nd Award), Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Joint Meritorious Unit Award (Oak Leaf Cluster for 2nd Award), Army Meritorious Unit Citation, Army Overseas Service Medal (Oak Leaf Cluster for 2nd Award), NATO Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, Special Forces Tab, Military Freefall Parachutist Badge, Jumpmaster/Master Parachutist Badge, and various Service and Campaign Medals.
While on terminal leave, while awaiting release from active Duty, in November 2018, Jay Collins began working as the Head of the Non-Profit Disaster Program at Operation BBQ Relief which is a disaster relief organization. In October 2019, three years and 3 months later, Jay was promoted as Chief Programs Officer, a position he continues to fill to this day. In July 2021, Jay Collins declared that he was running in the 14th Congressional District of Florida to serve in Congress.
First Sgt Jay Collins is a member of Gary Sinise Foundation, Achilles Freedom Team, Americas Fund, Global SOF Foundation, U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Beret) Alumni, Disabled American Veterans & Supporters, Veterans for America, Team Rubicon USA, Linked-Vets, Veterans Hired, Green Beret Foundation, Military Veteran to Civilian Career Transitions, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Conservative Professionals, We Hire Heroes - Veterans Employment and Business Group.
First Sgt Jarred ”Jay” Collins, USA (Ret) (Green Beret) (WW) has been endorsed by Former Ambassador to the Organization of American States Carlos Trujillo, Former Florida State Senate President Bill Galvano, Cong Carlos Gimenez (R-FL-26), Cong Scott Franklin (R-FL-15), Cong Brian J. Mast, SSgt-USA (Ret)(Ranger)(EOD) (WW) (R-FL-18), Cong Mark E. Green, USMA'86, Maj-USA (MC) (R-TN-7), Cong Jack W. Bergman, LTG-USMCR (Ret) (R-MI-1), Cong Michael G. Waltz, Col-USAR (Green Beret) (R-FL-6), Cong Robert "Rob" Simmons, Col-USA/CIA (R-CT-Ret), Cong Paul Collins Broun, Cdr-USNR (MC) (R-GA-Ret), Cong Kerry Bentivolio, SFC/MI-ANG (R-MI-Ret), the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, and SEAL PAC. Jay and his wife Layla have been married for 21 years. They are proud parents of Gabe age 9 and Colt age 6; the family are members of and attend the Bayhope Church in Lutz, FL.
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse First Sergeant Jarred “Jay” Collins, USA (Ret) (Green Beret) (WW) who will bring to Congress his private sector skills and wisdom to better solve problems in government and represent the 14th Congressional District of Florida. If you review 1SG Collins’ positions on his Web site, you would be pleased with his stances; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with 1SG Collins and pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for Congress.
If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in the 14th Congressional District of Florida, kindly pass this E-mail on to them and ask them to support 1SG Collins by working on his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. He is a Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”