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Endorsement of Combat Veterans For Congress

  • Endorsement of Combat Veterans For Congress

By Capt Joseph R. John, September 10, 2018: Op Ed # 401

We’ve been asked by many supporters about “With Honor”, a new organization that has endorsed 200 veterans to run for Congress.  Five of the 200 veterans they endorsed in 2018 are among the 31 Combat Veterans For Congress we’ve endorsed.  Besides the 5 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, they have also endorsed 6 previously elected Congressmen, as well a very large number of veterans running for Congress.    


We only recruit and endorse Combat Veterans to run for Congress.  Over the last 9 years, we have communicated with 499 Combat Veterans and endorsed 120 to run for Congress.  We are pleased that 88 of them won their primary elections and 32 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress were elected to Congress (3 US Senators and 29 US Congressmen).  We do not have any paid staff, nor the type of financial backing to do an in depth evaluation of many hundreds of veterans in order to finally endorse 200. 

In the 2017 through 2018 time frame, we’ve evaluated 54 Combat Veterans from 23 states, and endorsed 10 Combat Veterans For Congress, which is substantially less than the 200 candidates “With Honor” endorsed.  We also re-endorsed 21 Combat Veterans For Congress, endorsing a total of 31 Combat Veterans For Congress to run in 2018.  However, one endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress is now running for Governor of Florida, another was appointed by President Donald Trump as Secretary of the Interior, a third was appointed by President Trump as the new NASA Administrator, and a fourth, US Senator John McCain, recently passed away.  


Possibly the success of our endorsement program, in contributing greatly toward the election of 32 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress over the last 9 years, may have had something to do with the establishment of “With Honor”.  Liberal and leftist donors, like Jeff Bezos, have donated $20 million to fund “With Honor”; we do not have that amount of financial support.  We wish them success in electing veterans to Congress, and hope that the veterans they elect will oppose the inadequate funding of the US Armed Forces Budget that occurred during the 8 years of sequestration, the failure to approve adequate military pay raises during the 8 years of the previous administration, the inadequate medical care veterans have been provided with by the VA, and will support the research and development of advanced weapons systems, etc.   


In the future, it is our hope that “With Honor” will donate campaign funds to more than 5 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress.  We will continue to recruit and endorse Combat Veterans to run for Congress, and need to rely on volunteers for support since we have no paid employees, and lastly, once a year will seek financial support from conservatives Americans who agree with our Mission Statement and our efforts to protect and defend the US Constitution. 

Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author