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A New Replacement For Facebook, Google, and Twitter, That Will Not Restrict Freedom of Speech

  • A New Replacement For Facebook, Google, and Twitter, That Will Not Restrict Freedom of Speech

By Capt Joseph R. John, February 26, 2019: Op Ed #424     

A new replacement for Facebook, Google, and Twitter, will be launched on Wednesday, it is called USA.Life, the search engine will be called  Facebook repeatedly lied to Congress about being “a platform for all ideas.”  


Facebook, Google, and Twitter have been consistently restricting and censoring “Freedom of Speech” by Christians, members of the Jewish Faith, Conservatives, Law Enforcement Professionals, Members of the US Armed Forces, Supporters of the Right to Bear Arms, Supporters of The Right to Life, Veterans, and President Trump Supporters.


USA.Life is necessary, because Facebook, Google, and Twitter’s censorship affects elections, people’s lives, “Freedom of Speech”, “Freedom of Religion”, “Freedom to Bear Arms, interpersonal relationships, and the very survival of a free and independent Republic.  

Founder of USA.Life and CEO Steven Andrew said he decided to use his Silicon Valley tech leadership experience to launch USA.Life after he saw Facebook, Google, and Twitter block millions of people from getting his posts.  “Facebook blocked 99 percent of my reach, which means 5 million people are missing per month from my account alone,” he said.    

Andrew has led multi-million dollar initiatives for Cisco, Better Homes and Gardens, Sega and Stanford in Silicon Valley, and has the technical expertise to develop and launch USA.Life, however he is spending millions of his own dollars to launch USA.Life.  

“We don’t have the billions of dollars Facebook, Google, and Twitter have, so we need people who want freedom and privacy to contribute what they can,” he said, to sustain the site.  A Crowdfunding Page is being set up to launch USA.Life, saying “USA.Life  is for all who love America.”  

Democracy and “Freedom of Speech” has been under assault by elected Socialists, Communists, and Progressives members in Congress


By clicking on the below listed link you will understand why Democracy has survived in the Republic for 243 years:

Financial supporters are encouraged to donate “any amount” that they are capable of donating.  The amount donated is not important, the importance is to demonstrate their support for USA.Life , and that millions of Freedom Loving Americans support “Freedom of Speech.” 


Donors will receive a special reward, depending on how much they are able to donate, such as having a name or organization credited in the computer code with a keepsake PDF to print and other perks.  Larger donors, individuals, and organizations can get their name on The Founder’s Wall or receive other benefits.

Over the past 243 years, members of the US Armed Forces have given the last full measure of devotion to the Republic, other military personnel have sustained life’s debilitating injuries in defense of the Republic on Foreign Fields of Fire, and millions of Veterans have also served while protecting and defending the US Constitution, and The Bill of Rights----especially their support for “Freedom of Speech.”

The endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress have always strongly supported “Freedom of Speech”, the Bill of Rights, and they continue to protect and defend the US Constitution while serving in Congress, as they once did while in combat in the US Armed Forces.

We strongly encourage you to “Pay This Message Forward” to all those American Citizens in your address book, and please ask those who you send this message to, to also “Pay It Forward” to everyone else in their address books as well.  





USA.Life also developing Google alternative


Describing itself as the “answer to Facebook and Twitter censoring Christians, conservatives and liberty,” a new social-media platform called USA.Lifewill officially launch Wednesday.

Founder and CEO Steven Andrew said he decided to use his Silicon Valley tech leadership experience to launch the project after he saw Facebook block millions of people from getting his posts.

Andrew believes Facebook lied to Congress about being “a platform for all ideas,” since they restrict President Trump supporters, Christians and conservatives.

“Facebook blocks 99 percent of my reach, which means 5 million people are missing per month from my account alone,” he said.

Andrew has led multi-million dollar initiatives for Cisco, Better Homes and Gardens, Sega and Stanford.

USA.Life is necessary, he said, because “censorship affects elections, people’s lives and relationships.”

Users can share photos, updates, news, videos and messages, and join groups.

“People can connect with those most important to them, too,” he said.

Andrew set up a crowdfunding page to launch the project, saying USA.Life is for all who love America.

“We don’t have the billions of dollars Facebook, Google and Twitter have, so we need people who want freedom and privacy to contribute what they can,” he said.

For larger donations, individuals and organizations can get their name on the founders wall.

Andrew is also building a search engine,

Calling it “America’s new search engine,” he believes it will provide better results than Google.

Users will get “President Trump, conservative and Christian real news that Google hides,” he said.

“The USA.Life and are needed to protect the free speech assured by the First Amendment. We will unite the nation,” said Andrew.

 Attachments areaPreview YouTube video Clay Christensen on Religious Freedom (His personal views, not HBS)  Clay Christensen on Religious Freedom (His personal views, not HBS)