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Results of the 2017-2018 Endorsements, Campaigns, and Elections of the Combat Veterans For Congress

  • Results of the 2017-2018 Endorsements, Campaigns, and Elections of the Combat Veterans For Congress

By Capt Joseph R. John, November 7, 2018: Op Ed #410

A review of the 31 campaigns of endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress for the period from 2017 to 2018 is presented below:


From 2017 to 2018, 55 new Combat Veterans from 23 states were reviewed for endorsement.  Eleven Combat Veterans For Congress from 8 states were subsequently endorsed, 6 of those endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 4 states won their primary elections, and 20 elected Combat Veterans For Congress from 15 states made up the field of 26 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, who campaigned and were supported to prevail in their November 2018 midterm general election campaigns. 


Five endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress did not seek election in the November 2018 midterm election:


Cong Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC) (R-FL-6) ran for Governor of Florida and was elected.

Cong Steve Pearce, Capt-USAF (R-NM-2) ran for Governor of New Mexico, but was not elected.  


Cong Ryan Zinke, Cdr-USN(Ret) (SEAL) (R-MT-1) was appointed Secretary of the Interior by President Trump.  


Cong James Bridenstine, Lcdr-USNR (R-OK-1) was appointed as the NASA Administrator by President Trump.  


Regretfully, cancer took the life of Senator John McCain, USNA ’58, Capt-USN (Ret) (WW) in August 2018. 


Unfortunately, four Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who ran for election on November 6th were not elected:


Congressman Michael Coffman, Maj-USMC (Ret) (R-CO-6)


Congressman Steve Russell, Lt-Col-USA (Ret) (Ranger) (R-OK-5)


Cpt Andrew Grant, USNA ’95, USMC (R-CA-7)

SgtMaj Juan Hidalgo, USMC (Ret) (R-CA-51)

Three newly endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress were elected to Congress on November 6th:

LTC Mike G. Waltz, USAR (Green Beret) (R-FL-6)


Lcdr Dan Crenshaw, USN (Ret) SEAL) (WW) (R-TX-2)


Maj Mark F. Green, USMA ’95, USA (MC) (R-TN-7)  


Senator Tom Cotton's term in the US Senate was not up, so he was not required to run for re-election in 2018


The 17 elected Combat Veterans For Congress from 13 States who will serve in Congress from 2018 to 2020:
Senator Thomas B. Cotton, Cpt-USA, Esq. (R-AR-Senate)   

Cong Duncan D. Hunter, Maj-USMCR (R-CA-50)     

Cong Steve Stivers, BGen-USANG (R-OH-15)             

Cong Adam Kinzinger, Maj-AFNG (R-IL-16) 

Cong Jeff J. Denham, SSgt-USAF (R-CA-10)      

Cong Paul Cook, Col-USMC (Ret) (R-CA-8)     

Cong Scott G. Perry, Col/PA-ARNG (R-PA-10)                 

Cong Brad Wenstrup, Lt Col-USAR (MC) (R-OH-2)  

Cong Lee M. Zeldin, Maj-USAR (JAG) (R-NY-1)       

Cong Trent Kelly, BGen-MSARNG (R-MS-1)  

Cong Brian J. Mast, SSgt-USA (Ret) (EOD) (R-FL-18)

Cong Donald J. Bacon, BGen-USAF (Ret) (R-NE-2)

Cong Michael J. Gallagher, Cpt-USMCR, PhD, (R-WI-8)

Cong James E. Banks, Lt- USNR (R-IN-3)

Cong Michael G. Waltz. LTC-USAR (Green Beret) (R-FL-6)

Cong Dan Crenshaw, Lcdr-USN (SEAL) (WW) (R-TX-2)

Cong Mark E. Green, USMA ’86, Maj-USA (MC) (R-TN-7)


35 of the 121 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress were elected over the last 9+ years, (3 US Senators and 32 US Congressmen)


Eighteen of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress elected to Congress, listed on the Alumni page of the Web site, were appointed to the President’s Cabinet, had accepted Government Agency Department Head Presidential appointments, had been elected to State offices (Governor, Lt Governor, etc.), or had accepted senior corporate management and/or board of director positions.   


Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author