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Security Experts Warn Cong Duncan Hunters Opponent is a National Security Risk

  • Security Experts Warn Cong Duncan Hunters Opponent is a National Security Risk

By Capt Joseph R. John, September 12, 2018: Op Ed # 402

In the below listed video of a national TV interview on One America News Network, Capt Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62/Former FBI, and GySgt Nick Popaditch, USMC (Ret) (Silver Star recipient) expressed their support for an endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, Congressman Duncan Hunter, Maj/USMCR (R-CA-50).  


They pointed to Cong Hunter’s lifetime of service to the Republic.  Following his graduation from college, Duncan Hunter enlisted and served as an officer in the US Marine Corps; he served in combat operations in Iraq and in Afghanistan.  Then for nearly 6 years in Congress, on the House Armed Services Committee, Cong Hunter championed many legislative initiatives in support of the US Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs.  


Capt John and Gunny Sgt Popaditch are both opposed to Cong Hunter’s Democratic opponent running in the general election, Ammar Yasser Campa-Najjar, is being supported by CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorist organization, Radical Socialist Alexander Ocasio-Cortez, Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, ActBlue, Barrack Hussein Obama, and Radical Progressives.  


Ammar Yasser Campa-Najjar was Obama’s Campaign Deputy Regional Director in 2007 at age 17.  After Barrack Hussein Obama was elected and took office, he was appointed as the Head of the Office of Public Affairs in the Employment and Training Administration in the Labor Department when he was 18 years of age (he recently removed “Yasser” from his name to prevent voters from seeing his real name on the ballot).  


Ammar Campa-Najjar’s supporters have established a national fundraising office to solicit donations from supporters of CAIR, The Muslim Brotherhood, Act Blue, and Progressive Socialists.  They have raised over $1 million for their 28 year old candidate, who has never run for any elective office in his lifetime.  Campaign donations are not being raised from San Diego County voters, they are being raised from throughout the nation.  Many hundreds of donors listed on Ammar Campa-Najjar’s FEC Public Web site can be easily identified as Middle Easterners, who obviously support CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood. 


Capt John and Gunny Sgt Popaditch stated Ammar Campo-Najjar was exposed to PLO indoctrination given to all Palestinian students in grammar schools in the Gaza strip, until he was 13 years of age.  His father’s has strong relationship with, and strongly supports the PLO which his father, Muhammad Yusuf al-Najjar (aka Abu Yusuf)was a leader of the Black September Terrorist Cell.  Ammar Campo-Najjar developed a strong personal relationship with members of CAIR and The Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorist organization who were also members of the Obama administration.  


Because of the above listed association and his indoctrination in grammar school, Ammar Campo-Najjar should never be allowed to have access to the type of classified military intelligence, on troop movements, unit strength, and locations in the Middle East, that Congressmen have access to.  The potential risk that classified military intelligence might end up in the hands of the PLO in the Middle East, like classified information from Congressional Democrats was compromised, and ended up in the hands of individuals in Pakistan, is too great a risk.  To preclude the possibility that the classified operational information of the US Armed Forces, engaged in combat operations in the Middle East might be compromised, Ammar Campo-Najjar should never be elected nor serve in Congress.   


Capt John and GySgt Popaditch stated that Congressman Hunter, like every American citizen, is innocent until proven guilty.  Cong Hunter deserves the right to present his opposition in US Federal Court to the unproven allegations listed in his indictment, so voters in San Diego County can be provided with the detailed facts of his defense.  They both pointed out that the indictment was filed in less than 90 days before a Congressional election, which is a flagrant violation of the Department Of Justice’s long standing policy, that they will not to serve indictments that will impact national elections less than 90 days before an election.  


The timing of the indictment was highly suspect, and after further investigation, it was determined it was engineered by two prosecutors who attended a Hillary Clinton Fundraising Event in La Jolla.  The indictment was conveniently was served at Cong Hunter’s office after the results of the primary election were in, in order to preclude the possibility that another popular Republican in San Diego could possibly substituted on the ballot to run for Cong Hunter’s seat.   


In 2017, Congressman Hunter returned $60,000+ in campaign funds, and his campaign understood all campaign funds had been fully reimbursed, and that the dispute was finally settled.  Then the two years later, the two prosecutors who attended Hillary’s event in La Jolla indicted Cong Hunter, alleging the amount of campaign funds in question totaled $250,000.  Cong Hunter vehemently disputes the those charges, but will not be allowed to present his case in court until after the November election.  


The video of the One American interview of Capt John and GySgt Popaditch can be viewed by clicking on the below listed link:


Ammar Campo-Najjar background can be reviewed by clicking on the  below listed link:


Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author