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Americans Have A Choice Between a Man Who Believes America Is "Good" And A Man Controlled By A Movement That Believes America Is "Bad"

  • Americans Have A Choice Between a Man Who Believes America Is "Good" And A Man Controlled By A Movement That Believes America Is "Bad"

By Capt Joseph R. John, October 9, 2020; Op Ed #514 

This is a “Way Of Life Election”, and the most important election in the 244-year life of the Republic.  It is an election between a man, President Donald J. Trump, who wants to preserve America’s traditional patriotic way of life, supports “individual” freedoms to flourish, rejects the lie that Americans are racists, supports equality for all Americans, cherishes religious faith, supports the family unit, will stimulate the Free Enterprise System to regenerate the most robust economy in history, has been improving healthcare and will ensure insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions, will ensure that the US Constitution and The Bill of Rights remain the basis for the law of the land, and will continue to enforce The Rule Of Law.

Without The Rule of Law, there can be no Freedom in America!

 As an alternative, it is an election of a man, Joe Biden, controlled by a revolutionary movement that will forever change America’s traditional way of life, will defund Police Forces and the US Armed Forces, will support Black Lives Matter Marxist charge that America is a “Systemic Racist” country, will eliminate the filibuster to pack the Supreme Court, will open the Southern Border and flood the nation with Middle East refugees, will cancel the Trump tax cuts and increase taxes in an economic recovery.  His revolutionary movement will cancel fracking and eliminate clean coal, will permit the revolutionary movement to create a tyrannical Socialist government that will suppress individual freedoms, and will continue to refuse to condemn the Socialist Democrat Party’s ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter foot soldiers’ initiation of anarchy in 300+ Democrat controlled Sanctuary Cities. 

Without The Rule of Law, there can be no Freedom in America!

The Socialist Democrat Party has been critical of traditional marriage, religious institutions, a strong family unit, and teaching patriotic history in public education (52% of America’s youth who have been indoctrinated in Socialism in public education, prefer Socialism to the US Constitutional Republic form of government).  The ultimate goal of the Socialist Democrat Party is to change the US Constitutional Republic into a Socialist State.  Over the last 100 years, Socialists once governed 37 countries; those 37 Socialist States oppressed individual freedoms and their Socialist policies destroyed their economies.

Over the last 100 years, America’s military freed more countries and their enslaved people from oppression than any other country in the history of mankind.  Then the US military returned control of the countries they liberated to the people they freed and stimulated their depressed economies into recovery.  The revolutionary movement that actually controls Joe Biden will, if he is elected, change the US Constitutional Republic into a Socialist State.  If that occurs, America may end up with a similar type of oppressive Socialist government that required America to liberate millions of oppressed people, while defeating their Socialist governments.

This election will decide whether Americans will allow the revolutionary movement supporting Biden retains strong ties with Communist China, which has been trying to subvert the National Security of the Republic, or they will decide to elect President Trump who will defend the liberties enshrined in The Bill of Rights, retain the US Constitution as the basis for the law of the land, will enforce The Rule of Law, and will fund Police Forces.  Recipients of this Op Ed should encourage that their fellow Americans to review it prior to voting. 

Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author