On Veterans Day, November 11th, and Every Day, Americans Thank Veterans For Their Service in Defense of the Republic
By Capt Joseph R. John, November 11, 2019, Op Ed #456
On November 11th, Veterans Day, and every day, Americans are appreciative of Veterans for their service in the defense of the Republic when they were once active members of the US Armed Forces. We remember and “Honor” military personnel who gave the last full measure of devotion in defense of the Republic and were lost in combat.
In certain cases, many years after being honorably discharged, a Veteran eventually succumbed to a combat injury that occurred while he was in combat on active duty. Col John W. Ripley, USNA ’62, USMC (Ret) (Navy Cross) (Distinguished Graduate of the US Naval Academy) is one of those many well known “Honorable” Veterans.
Veterans and active duty personnel can click on the below listed link to learn of the many discounts and free meals that restaurants will extend to Veterans on Veterans Day, in order to thank them for their honorable service, and in some cases discounts are extended on days before and after Veterans Day.
Veterans Day Discounts: https://www.blogs.va.gov/VAntage/67508/veterans-day-discounts-2019/
Many Veterans still suffer from the negative effects on their health as a result of volunteering to defend the Republic from enemies in combat. An average of 22 Veterans commit suicide every day. Many of those Veterans had been suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or from disabling wounds received as a result of their combat tours on foreign fields of fire. Other depressed Veterans may not have been able to obtain timely or adequate medical treatment or therapy for treatment of their debilitating wounds or PTSD.
The overwhelming majority of 23 million Veterans in the United States are good citizens, they quietly go about their normal lives, are gainfully employed, support their families financially, and provide the careful and loving guidance to properly raise their children.
Some of the ways that Veterans continue to serve their country and support their fellow countrymen, is by serving in Law Enforcement, as First Responders, in government service, as members of the clergy, in the medical fields, as computer technicians, in science, in education, as airline pilots, in research, as members of Congress or in other elective or appointive offices, and in many other civilian endeavors.
By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to listen to a powerful message delivered by President Ronald W. Reagan about “A Soldier and His Pledge.”
Every Veteran, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their life.” If you know or recognize a Veteran who served in the defense of the Republic, and you have an opportunity to communicate with that Veteran, we encourage you to show your appreciation for his or her service, by thanking him or her for the defense of the Republic.
Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. The material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author. It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.