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A Wonderful Video of WWII Veterans at the WWII Museum With Gary Sinise

  • A Wonderful Video of WWII Veterans at the WWII Museum With Gary Sinise

By Capt Joseph R. John, February 23, 2020, Op Ed #465

Gary Sinise and Connie Stevens hosted a luncheon in Studio City for a large group of endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress.  Gary is a friend of the Combat Veterans For Congress, and Connie has been on the Board of Directors of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC for 10 years.  We wanted to bring attention to Gary’s selfless and continuing effort to Honor members of the Greatest Generation who are WWII Veterans.  


Gary has been making arrangments to cover the cost for WWII Veterans to visit the National WWII Museum in New Orleans, LA.  Those Veterans didn’t go into combat to subjugate people, they went into combat to liberate millions of enslaved and oppressed people.  


In 1940, young men had to be 17 years of age, in order to enlist in the US Armed Forces.  Since the war ended in 1945 and this video was shot in 2017, the youngest surviving WWII Veteran in the video would have had to been 88, many were over 90.  US citizens and school children honored those WWII Veterans in the video for their service in their defense of the Republic by writing letters of appreciation to them.  In the video on the Veterans’ return flight home, during “Mail Call”, those letters are being opened and read by the Veterans. 


By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to view a wonderful video of those WWII Veterans travel to and their visit to the WWII Museum; you may want to share it with your fellow Americans listed in your address book.

Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.