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Op-Ed Articles

By Capt Joseph R. John, July 27, 2020: Op Ed #503

By clicking on this link, you will see one of the most important videos we’ve watched in the last 10 years.  It best describes why riots have continued in the streets of over 400 Democrat Sanctuary cities for the last 6 months.  The link was sent to us by a highly decorated…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 22, 2020: Op Ed #502

The Socialist and Communist movements that developed in America over the last 20 years has become a threat to the very survival of the US Constitutional Republic, because 57% of registered Democrats and 52% of "white privilege" college students now have a positive view of Socialism.  

For 6 months, the American people have been witnessing a raging Socialist and Communist movement that is perpetrating violent riots in many Democrat Sanctuary cities.  The riots have been supported by agents from the Chinese Communist “Confucius Institutes” located at 81 university campuses, the Communist Party USA, Socialists, Marxists, The Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorists, and the Socialist Democrat Party.  Those riots have resulted in a massive increase in violent crimes in 171 sanctuary…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 14, 2020: Op Ed #501

The below listed video, as a follow up presentation to Op Ed #500 entitled “A Cure For Covid-19?” that we previously shared with you is also important and completes the information on COVID-19 that was too long to present in one Op Ed.  The video was recorded by Dr Kelly Victory, a trauma and emergency physician, who had practiced with the Public Health Service, as well as with other medical organizations.   


For five months, the media has focused on, and discussed the need to decrease death rates to flatten the curve.  Then for the past two months when death rates had been steadily decreasing to the lowest in the world, the media has suddenly started shifting its reporting to the number of new COVID-19 cases.   Obviously, new cases were going to increase substantially…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 11, 2020: Op Ed #500

Very seldom do we send out medical information to our supporters, although we receive a great deal of medical advice and recommendations to take certain vitamins from well-wishers who make recommendations to improve my health (those individual medical advice E-mails are included among the estimated 2000 E-mails we received each week).  


However, I am forwarding the link to one particular E-mail, because it is important, timely, and would be especially important if someone in your family or a close friend were infected with COVID-19.  By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to listen to and watch Doctor Richard Bartlett in the recorded video (27 minutes).  Dr. Bartlett has practiced as a family medicine specialist in the Midland/Odessa area of Texas for 28 years.…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 9, 2020: Op Ed #499

According to a “Just News Poll” by Rasmussen, something has convinced half of American voters that it is "somewhat likely" that there will be a violent attempt to “Overthrow” the U.S. government within a decade. That “Overthrow” will not occur in 10 years, but may occur in 4 months.  If Biden is elected in November and then is removed by the Socialist Democrats, employing the 25th Amendment because Biden is senile and can’t possibly govern, the “Overthrown will have begun.  Unfortunately, the FBI Director Christopher Wray and the CIA Director Gina Haspel have not exposed and arrested the foreign agents colluding with Communist China, in its “Coup d’ etat” to “Overthrow” the US Constitutional Republic.  


In support of the Global…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 4, 2020: Op Ed #498

According to Nazi-Collaborator George Soros, America is the only obstacle to Communists and The Muslim Brotherhood from creating a new world order.  For many years, Nazi-Collaborator George Soros has been working with Communist China while funding the Domestic Terrorist organizations highlighted in this Op Ed in order to undermine the US Constitution and destroy America from within.  Nationally, Police and Fire Departments have been alerted by an Unclassified Law Enforcement Bulletin that on the Fourth of July there will be well organized violent attacks to try to prevent Americans from celebrating Independence Day.

ANTIFA Marxist Domestic Terrorists, Nazi-Collaborator George Soros’ Black Lives Matter (BLM) Marxist Domestic Terrorists, Bill Ayer’s Marxist Weather Underground, CAIR, The Muslim Brotherhood…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 29, 2020: Op Ed #497

It has been four weeks since violent riots in Minneapolis have turned into sedition in the streets of 184 American cities, instigated by the foot soldiers of the Socialist Democrat Party, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter Marxist Domestic Terrorists.  Over 100 US Monuments and statues have been defaced or toppled, and commercial centers have been gutted in many of the 184 cities where violent riots and anarchy has continued to occur.  

Those violent lawless Marxist led mobs have been rioting, looting, destroying businesses by arson, setting police cruisers on fire, attacking & killing Police Officers, while calling for replacing Police Forces with radical militias.  The left of center liberal Main Stream Media establishment has been trying to conceal the scope of destruction by Marxist led mobs,…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 25, 2020: Op Ed #496

Patrisse Cullors is credited as the co-founder of Black Lives Matter (BLM), confirmed during a recent appearance with The Real News that the movement was conceived by “trained Marxists” pushing an agenda of Communist Revolution.  “We actually do have an ideological frame.  Myself and BLM co-founder, Alicia Garza, in particular are trained organizers.  We are trained Marxists,” Cullors said.  “We are super versed on all sorts of ideological theories, and I think that what we really try to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk,” she added. 


Black Lives Matter’s own Website contains a great deal of Marxist language and is littered with buzzwords commonly used by practitioners of the godless, anti-American ideology.  They maintain that their…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 20, 2020: Op Ed #495

ANTIFA is an acronym for Antifascist.  In the 1930s, they were the German Communists who were fighting the NAZIs in Germany.  The logo on the ANTIFA flag was created by the German Communist Party.  ANTIFA demonstrators are violent Communist Terrorist “Foot Soldiers”.  ANTIFA is an international Communist Terrorists organization that fought along side ISIS and murdered Christians in Syria (pictured with their flag in Syria in the attached photo).  President Donald Trump is a Capitalist who strongly supports The Free Enterprise System, yet the Democrat Party and ANTIFA call President Donald J. Trump Hitler and a Nazi.  ANTIFA’s “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement” (RAM) has been leading a coordinated national effort to deface and destroy over 350 US Historical Monuments.…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 18, 2020: Op Ed #494  By watching the below video, you will understand what The Sunrise Movement is, and why so many young students are being recruited by them.  The Sunrise Movement teaches students that White Supremacy is the reason for Systemic Racism in the US and that Climate Change is a white problem. For two years, the left of center liberal media establishment covered up the facts about The Sunrise Movement’s recruiting and training program. The video outlines the two year, behind the scenes, training program of students on how to participate in a race riots, when an event triggers a race riot.  The Attorney General of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, is the true force behind The Sunrise Movement, ANTIFA, and CAIR in Minnesota. When Keith Ellison was Deputy Chair of the Democrat Party, he moved the Democrat Party… Read More

By Capt Joseph R. John, June 8, 2020: Op Ed #492

The demonstrations and riots in the last 12 days were provoked by forces who, seeing the impeachment fail, then seeing that the COVID-19 virus inevitably fading, watched the social alarm of the pandemic waning, and seeing the economy beginning to recover, required another disruptive force.  So those sinister forces took aggressive control of peaceful demonstrations mourning the tragic death of George Floyd because rogue Police Officers did not follow the standard restraint procedures taught to all Police Officers. 

Those forces provoked very violent riots, looting, and arson, to create anarchy and the violent civil disturbances in 140 cities across the nation in order to support their political agenda of dividing the nation along racial lines (attacking and injuring more than 400 Police Officers,…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 14, 2020: Op Ed #493

“The American Flag” symbolizes the principles outlined in the US Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers.  All members of the US Armed Forces raise their right hand and swear to protect and defend the US Constitution, under “The American Flag”.  


Flag Day is an opportunity for Patriotic Americans to demonstrate their respect for “The American Flag”, and to set an example for younger generations, of their deep respect for “The American Flag”, and by demonstrating their respect for ”The American Flag”, they are demonstrating their support for the Republic.   


To read the history of Flag Day, kindly click on the below listed link.



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We encourage the recipients of this message to consider participating in the June 2nd hearing, outlined in the below listed E-mail.  The hearing is being called to discuss opposition to Gov Newsom plan to send absentee ballots to 4.5 million to inactive registered voters, many of whom qualified for permanent removal from the voter rolls many years ago.  If those 4.5 million absentee ballots are mailed out by Gov Newsom, free and fair elections in California will be a thing of the past. 

If those 4.5 million absentee ballots are mailed out, the Voter Fraud that will result because of the Ballot Harvesting that will take place, will result in fraudulent results in the November 2020 election.  A massive Ballot Harvesting effort will be executed by the Democrat Party, as they did in 2018, to take position of as many of the 4.5 million absentee ballots that…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 4, 2020: Op Ed #491 

Law Enforcement Officers across the nation are well aware and saddened by the tragic death of George Floyd by the actions of rogue Police Officers who did not follow the standard restraint procedures taught to all Police Officers.  The peaceful demonstrations in memory of George Floyd have been highjacked by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, turning those demonstrations into violent riots, looting of businesses, and anarchy.   

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international movement; it has 16 chapters in the US and Canada, and campaigns to call attention to violence against black people by Police Officers.  BLM regularly protests police brutality and police shootings of black people, and degrades the moral character and respect for Police Officers.    

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 30, 2020: Op Ed #490

“Every four years the black community takes the media bait.  They find one tragedy and are able to get enough athletes and rappers to hype it so black youth believe that that they have no choice but to riot and destroy themselves because the world is against them.” - Candace Owen    

The lawless riots and arson in the streets of America, day after day, led by well-organized members of Antifa and Black Lives Matter Domestic Terrorists, will not attain justice for the tragic and unjust custody death of George Floyd, because of the actions of rogue police officers who failed to follow standard restraint procedures.  

The mayor of Minneapolis abdicated his authority, ordered his police force to pull back, and not confront the demonstrators while they were looting…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 25, 2020: Op Ed #489

Since General George Washington commanded the Continental Army, forty-two million Americans have served under the American Flag. In the past 244 years, one million American military personnel have been killed in the defense of the Republic, and another million and a half have been wounded.

Each year on Memorial Day weekend we honor American Patriots who have given the “last full measure of devotion” in their service to the Republic, so their fellow Americans could live their lives free from oppression.

We not only honor American Combat Veterans who gave up their tomorrows, we also honor Veterans who were wounded, and other members of the US Armed Forces who were separated from their loved ones for long periods, often going into “Harm’s Way”.

On this Memorial Day weekend, the Republic’s most sacred and…

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  Combat Veterans For Congress---Embedded Integrity

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing Lcdr Michael J. Garcia, USNA ’98, USN of Santa Clarita, California to run for Congress in the 25th Congressional District of California in 2020.  Lcdr Garcia is a fiscally conservative candidate who believes in a smaller, leaner federal government, lower taxes, a strong national defense, and he will work to rein in the out of control spending by reckless members of Congress.  Lcdr Garcia is an independent thinking Republican, who will champion Veterans' rights.  

Lcdr Garcia will work with President Trump to secure the southern border and provide Customs and…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 14, 2020, Op Ed #468

There are so many questions, unknowns, and uncertainties about the COVID-19 Virus; this Op Ed will reveal some unknown facts and try to clarify some complex issues.  One thing that is certain, if there is not a balance between protecting lives from the pandemic, and getting the economy started in a safe manner, more people will die from stress or get into drug use because of the failed economy, than will die from the pandemic.  It is obvious that millions of Americans want to go back to work to save their homes and feed their children.  The increased testing which has been done on over 10 million Americans should help facilitate both goals to occur simultaneously.

Sweden has remained unflappably calm during this annual flu season and the COVID-19 pandemic threat.  They have allowed their retail and…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, April 14, 2020, Op Ed #467

The below listed expenditures, reveals how Pelosi, and her Radical Progressives House Caucus highjacked the Stimulus Bill, and obtained billions of dollars in pork for the Socialist Democrat Party, as a condition of passing the Stimulus Bill in the House.  The Socialist Democrats demanded the funding of line items that had nothing to do with protecting Americans lives or protecting the US economy from the effects of Corona Virus.

American Taxpayers are unaware of the travesty that occurred in the House, because the left of center liberal media establishment, which has become an arm of the Socialist Democrat Party, continues to coverup the below listed funding of unrelated items.  Instead of doing what investigative journalists were given a special status by the Founding Fathers to…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, February 23, 2020, Op Ed #465

Gary Sinise and Connie Stevens hosted a luncheon in Studio City for a large group of endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress.  Gary is a friend of the Combat Veterans For Congress, and Connie has been on the Board of Directors of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC for 10 years.  We wanted to bring attention to Gary’s selfless and continuing effort to Honor members of the Greatest Generation who are WWII Veterans.  


Gary has been making arrangments to cover the cost for WWII Veterans to visit the National WWII Museum in New Orleans, LA.  Those Veterans didn’t go into combat to subjugate people, they went into combat to liberate millions of enslaved and oppressed people.  


In 1940, young men had to be 17 years of age, in order to enlist in the US Armed…

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You are cordially invited to another Patriotic Gala Event sponsored by the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC on February 28, 2020 at Laurel Manor in Livonia, Michigan.  The Patriotic Gala Event will feature Sarah Huckabee Sanders as the Keynote Speaker, with presentations by Charlie Kirk, one of the Trump Family Members as a “Surprise Guest”, by Jan Morgan, and introductions from each of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress in attendance.  The Master of Ceremonies for the event is, TV Talk Show Host, Rick Amato.

We encourage you to attend this Patriotic Gala Event, as one of the ways you can support the 2020 election of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who are listed in the attachment.   The 2020 General Election will be the most important election in the 246-year history of the Republic, and a significant way for Patriotic Americans to…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, January 16, 2020, Op Ed #464

California Democrats voted to make Ballot Harvesting legal in California.  It is the only state in the nation where it is now legal (Ballot Harvesting is illegal in every other state in the union, and practicing it would result in prosecution and jail terms for violators in the other 49 states).  The new destructive California voting regulations, along with the passage of Ballot Harvesting by the Democrat-controlled California Legislature, has made Voter Fraud very difficult to detect or oppose in California.  


By understanding the new California voter regulations and distributing the below listed recommendations by Cole Patterson, the campaign manager for Col Greg Raths, USMC (Ret) (running in the 45th Congressional District), Congressional candidates will be better prepared to…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, January 10, 2020, Op Ed #463

Americans have become aware that the nation is engaged in a “life-and-death” struggle to ensure the US Constitutional Republic survives!


The Democrat flawed partisan impeachment of President Donald J. Trump, violated the US Constitution created by the Founding Fathers, and was also a frontal attack on the US Justice System.  Democrats refused to give the President of the United States the legal rights every American has, to be represented by an attorney and to call witnesses in one’s defense.  At the end of World War II, the Nazis war criminals tried at Nuremberg, had more legal rights than the President of the United States was accorded by Democrats during their partisan impeachment in violation of federal law.  


Pelosi refused to allow President Trump to…

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To purchase tickets for the above event on
February 28, 2020, and for more information, please click on the link below or visit our Events page.

By Capt Joseph R. John, January 7, 2020, Op Ed #462

For over 40 years Iran has been at war with the United States, and the Terrorist Master, Soleimani, who planned and coordinated Iran’s violent attacks against all US forces, killing and maiming thousands of members of the US Armed Forces in Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan.  


Most recently, Soleimani led the effort of Iran’s shoot down of a 20 million dollar drone flying over the Persian Gulf; the US did not respond.


Iran next attacked on Saudi ARAMCO’s crude oil refining center in eastern Saudi Arabia, one of America’s allies, with rockets and cruise missiles; the US did not respond.

Iran then attacked two large crude oil takers on the high seas in the Persian Gulf threatening freedom of navigation; the US did not respond.

The US had been showing enormous…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, December  31, 2019, Op Ed #461

My New Years wish is that the nation's youth may be made aware of the below listed superb explanation of the timeless motto of the US Military Academy at West Point, submitted by Colonel Sam Holliday, USA (Ret), West Point Class of 1948.


It is our hope that the nation's youth, especially the 51% of them who now support Socialism, instead of The Free Enterprise System and the United States Constitutional Republican form of government, can be made aware of the meaning of the motto, Duty, Honor, Country by those who receive this Op Ed.


Unfortunately for the last 12 years, radical leftist teachers in middle and high schools have been using the Common Core Curriculum, with the fake and dishonest replacement US History textbooks, funded by Nazi collaborator George Soros, to indoctrinate…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, December 9, 2019, Op Ed #460

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is hosting another Gala Event “An Evening with Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Friends” on Friday, February 28, 2020, at 5:00p.m. to attend the VIP Reception, and at 6:30p.m. to dine and listen to Sarah Sander’s presentation.  It will be a captivating evening with information about events that are unfolding in The White House and on Capitol Hill.  Centurion International Services will be responsible for safety and the Gala Event’s security. 


As President Donald Trump’s Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders repeatedly told the press each day what most Americans wanted to say to the left of center liberal media establishment.  Sarah supported American values and told the White House press corps that they should do the job they were hired to do, to accurately report…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, December 3, 2019, Op Ed #459

The double standard in the way President Trump has been evaluated when compared to Obama continues.  Obama’s actions in pardoning Bo Bergdahl, a traitor, who deserted his fellow combatants in the face of the enemy, then gave the Taliban Top Secret information, was ignored by Obama’s “Politically Correct” General and Flag Officers (including McRaven), his service secretaries, and the left of center liberal media establishment.  They didn’t object to the pardoning of a “Traitor”, in exchange for 5 of the Taliban’s most senior Terrorist Generals who are now killing US military combatants in Afghanistan.

The double standard manifested itself by exposing Obama’s “Politically Correct” Flag and General Officers, Obama’s holdovers at DOD, and the left of center liberal media establishment when they raised unending…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 11, 2019, Op Ed #456

On November 11th, Veterans Day, and every day, Americans are appreciative of Veterans for their service in the defense of the Republic when they were once active members of the US Armed Forces.  We remember and “Honor” military personnel who gave the last full measure of devotion in defense of the Republic and were lost in combat.

In certain cases, many years after being honorably discharged, a Veteran eventually succumbed to a combat injury that occurred while he was in combat on active duty.  Col John W. Ripley, USNA ’62, USMC (Ret) (Navy Cross) (Distinguished Graduate of the US Naval Academy) is one of those many well known “Honorable” Veterans.

Veterans and active duty personnel can click on the below listed link to learn of the many discounts and free meals that restaurants will extend to…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 10, 2019, Op Ed #457

The US Marine Corps was formed on November 10, 1775 by the Second Continental Congress with the first Marines enlisting under Commandant Samuel Nicholas, but it wasn’t until 1921 that the Marine Corps began celebrating that historic day officially as its birthday by reading Marine Corps Orders No. 47 (Series 1921).  


The Commandant of the Marine Corps, Major General John A. Lejeune, issued Order No. 47 on November 1, 1921, and instructed it to be read to the US Marine Corps on the 10th of November, 1921, and thereafter on the 10th of November of every year.  Should the order not be received by the 10th of November, 1921, it should be read upon receipt.


We honor all US Marines not only on this November 10th, the US Marine Corps’ 244th Birthday, but on…

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