We celebrate this Christmas and Hanukkah Holiday Season with our fellow Americans. We pray for the safety of all members of the US Armed Forces, especially those deployed military personnel “Going Into Harm’s Way”, Military Veterans who previously served in the defense of the Republic, and the families of all those active and retired military personnel, who also served their country alongside their loved ones.
Over the past 16 years, we’ve appreciated the continued and steadfast support of millions of Patriotic Americans from throughout the nation who have helped us recruit, support, and campaign for 46 endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For…
Op-Ed Articles
By Capt Joseph R. John, November 11, 2024
On November 11th, Veterans Day, and every day, Americans are appreciative of Veterans for their service as members of the US Armed Forces and served in the defense of the Republic. On this day we “Honor” all Military Veterans, especially those personnel who gave their last full measure of devotion in the defense of the Republic and were lost in combat.
Thousands of Veterans are still suffering from the negative effects of their service-connected health related injuries, because of their service in the defense of the Republic. Many of those Veterans had been suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or from a disabling wound received in combat on foreign fields of fire. Veterans who may not have been able to obtain timely or adequate medical treatment or…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, November 10, 2024
On November 10, 2024, U.S. Marines around the globe will celebrate 249 years of success on the battlefield and reaffirm their commitment to their Corps' proud legacy of honor, courage, and commitment. This year we will share a video that discusses many interesting historic incidents in the corps—the language is typically rough. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abO9p4fFqbM
On this special day, we pay homage to a Marine’s Marine who, 82 years ago on October 26, 1942, performed in action above and beyond the call of duty. On Nov. 15, 2003, that 85-year-old retired Marine Corps Colonel died of congestive heart failure at his home in La Quinta, California, southeast of Palm Springs. He was buried with full military honors…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, November 8, 2024
On November 5, 2024, American Citizens cast over 75+ million votes to elect President Donald J. Trump, to “Take Back Our Country”, to protect the “Freedom of Speech” for all American Citizens, and to restore the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces. President Trump’s election prevented the US Constitutional Republic from being “Fundamentally transformed into a Communist State.” It was the most successful “Presidential Comeback” in US History!
After 2 years of effort, we were able to contribute to the re-election of President Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States and helped to elect an endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, Senator J.D. Vance (USMC), as Vice President of the United States. The election of President Trump has prevented the…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, November 4, 2024
The Harris campaign cut multiple six-figure checks last month for left-leaning groups that have been vocal about DEFUNDING POLICE and FUNDING REPARATIONS; they are tied to Radical Black Anti-White activists supporting the notorious antisemite, “Louis Farrakhan”, the leader of the Nation of Islam.
Kamala Harris’ social media profiles are littered with social media posts showing her attending Nation of Islam events and “praising” Farrakhan.
The Harris Marxist Presidential Campaign gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to a handful of Radical Black Anti-White advocacy groups who are mobilizing Black voters…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, October 28 2024
By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to see a video that explains the Massive Voter Fraud perpetrated year after year in national elections by Socialist Democrats, identified as “The Big Steal”; it is their plan to consistently cheat and steal elections, corrupting the “Sacred Right” of American Citizens to vote unimpeded in an honest national election.
With early voting underway in 2024, there have already has been hundreds of reports of Barack Hussein Obama’s “Planned Massive Voter Fraud” underway nationally:
1) Long before election day…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, October 22, 2024
Kamala Harris Is Supported By The Below Listed Organization and Individuals; Her Core Beliefs, Principles, And Policies Supports Their Goals:
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Communist Party of Canada (CPC)
Communist Party of Cuba (PCC)
Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV)
Communist Party of Nicaragua (PNC)
Communist Party of Brazil (PVB)
Vladamir Putin, President of Russia
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Radical Islamic Terrorist State of Iran
Canadian Leftist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Mexican Drug Cartels Who Became Billionaires Over The Last Four Years With Kamal…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, October 18, 2024
As the Republic nears the most important pivotal election in US History, a sinister, illegal, and stealth revision of the DOD Directive 5240.01 of 1982 that deals with “National Security Threats” was issued on September 27, 2024 by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, with the support of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Charles Q. Brown, Jr., USAF. The revision that affects the life and freedom of every American Citizen, was made without the review and pre-approval of the US Congress.
One previous 2016 change to the DOD Directive 5240.01 of 1982, focused on intelligence collection and it “carefully ensured” the protection of the “Civil Liberties” of every American Citizen. That change also emphasized the need for the strict oversight, and the…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, October 14, 2024
By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to watch Greg Gutfield, host, and air the live broadcast of the follow-on Presidential Debate between President Donald J. Trump and Comrade Kamala Harris----it must be the most outstanding comedy skit produced during this 2024 Presidential Campaign Season. This light comedy skit inserts levity into the midst of a very tense national political conflict. Greg Gutfield outdoes himself!
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, October 9, 2024
The below listed article, courtesy of the Media Research Council, outlines “A Sad And Frightening State of Affairs” by E. P. Unum, dated August 16, 2024, outlines the “deep entrenched” Radical Marxist Philosophy of Comrade Kamala Harris, Comrade Tim Walz, and their Communist “Puppet Master”, Comrade Barack Hussein Obama.
Kamala Harris was indoctrinated and trained to support the “deep entrenched” Radical Marxist Philosophy of her Marxist Professor father, Dr. Michael Harris and her Marxist mother. Her parents were Radical Berkley Marxist students in the 1960s, who supported Communist Fidel Castro’s takeover of Cuba, the Communist Butcher Che Guevara who killed thousands of anti-Communist Cubans, and supported Huey Newton’s Black Panther Party, funded by Communist China.…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, September 30, 2024
We are encouraging every Patriotic American to go to their local theater to see Dinesh DeSouza’s “Vindicating Trump;” it is a “Must See” film prior to the election. By clicking on the below listed link, you will see a trailer of the film VINDICATING TRUMP TRAILER | In Theaters Now (youtube.com). In 37 days the Progressives, Socialist Democrats, Marxists, Communists, Obama, Comrade Kamala Harris, Comrade Tim Waltz, and in Communist China’s carefully laid out their plans to steal another Presidential Election.
Obama has had his fellow Communist allies register millions of the 18 million Illegal Aliens as possible, that the “Obama Open Border Policy” allowed to invade the US…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, September 25, 2024
California Sheriff Mike Boudreaux of Tulare County (a county located in central California), stated in a press conference, that if Kamala Harris were ever elected as president, her past, current, and future support for “Obama’s Open Border Policy” would make Illegal Alien immigration far worse than it has been for the past four years. Sheriff Boudreaux has served as a member of the Tulare Sheriff’s Department for 38 years and had lived through Kamala Harris’ anti-Law Enforcement policy when Harris was the California Attorney General. As the California Attorney General, Kamala Harris often spoke words that lessened her support for law enforcement by promoting the Defunding of Police Departments.
Sheriff Mike Boudreaux’s press conference was held to expose Comrade Kamala…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, September 18, 2024
Over the past four years the Biden-Harris Energy and Economic Policies created a 21 % inflation rate, the worst inflation in over 40 years. The Biden-Harris energy policy created inflation that drove all retail prices to extremely high levels and weakened consumer spending. The inflation rate increased from the 1.4% at the end of former President Donald Trump's term in office, to the current Biden-Harris inflation rate of 21%. Millions of low-income Americans continue to have difficulty feeding their families and purchasing gas at the pump for their vehicles. Millions of Americans have had to dramatically rein in their consumer, restaurant dining, and recreational spending.
The reduction in consumer spending has resulted in a massive loss of retail sales,…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, September 13, 2024
Taking a page out of Marxist Obama’s playbook, on September 10, 2024, Comrade Kamala Harris told 25 “LIES” during the Tuesday debate about her Marxist policies and LIED repeatedly about President Donald J. Trump’s documented and historic record as the President of the United States.
With the help of the two Left-Wing Progressive ABC Commentators, David Muir and Linsey Davis (Kamala’s Sorority Sister, who in 2020 previously praised Kamala on national television as the new Vice President ), both ABC News Commentators were masquerading as ABC Debate Moderators; they kept “fact checking” President Trump throughout the debate, but ignored Comrade Harris’ repeated and obvious LIES.
Working as a team, David Muir and Linsey Davis, propped…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, September 11, 2024
If you are an American who own property, owns a home or condo, have an investment in the stock market, have invested your capital in an Investment Trust, have invested your funds in a employment sponsored 401(k), or have invested capital in a Defined Benefit Plan, we encourage you to read the below listed Wall Street Journal Opinion Piece by Hal Scott and John Gulliver of September 10, 2024, entitled “You Would Pay Harris’ Wealth Tax”.
Comrade Harris’ radical annual 25% Wealth Tax on UNREALIZED Capital Gains would crush the US Stock Market, force Americans to sell their homes to pay the Annual Federal Income Tax on the annual UNREALIZED Capital Gain on their homes, will grind initial public offerings to a halt, and would force American workers to pay an annual Federal Income Tax…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, September 9, 2024
On September 4, 2024, the latest asserted “Russian Collusion Hoax” was distributed by the leftist media establishment, following the highly publicized press conference promoted by the Harris/Walz Presidential Campaign, the Biden administration, Barack Obama, and Obama’s Marxist allies. The press conference was hosted by the US Justice Department and chaired by the US Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and FBI Director Christopher A. Wray. Both Garland and Wray promoted misleading facts, that once again, American Spy Agencies assessed that the Kremlin favors former President Donald J. Trump over Kamala Harris in the November 2024 Presidential Election.
The intentionally misleading assertion promoted by Garland and Wray in the September 4th Press Conference took a major hit on…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, September 6, 2024
Amid the political buzz, a Walz family rift captures the national spotlight: it is highlighted by the attached photo of the Waltz family members in Nebraska.
Jeff Walz, once estranged brother of Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz, has publicly denounced the latter's candidacy, questioning his character and integrity, Daily Mail reported, and his over 30 year close relationship with Communist China.
67-year-old Jeff Walz, residing in Freeport, Florida, has taken to Facebook to express his disapproval of his brother Tim…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, September 4, 2024
Over the last four years, Kamala Harris’ failure as Border Czar, her inability to make cogent public statements, her inability to discuss any of the administration’s policies, her “refusal” to hold a press conference following her nomination as US President for over 45 days, her hysterical laughing, her belief in her mother’s and her father’s Marxism, and the lack of respect Allied Heads of State have for Kamala, are some of the many reasons why Comrade Kamala Harris would be unable to effectively perform the duties of a US President, or of a Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces. She was an utter failure in the Office of Vice President.
Thousands of uninformed and misled American Citizens, have been suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. They are willing to turn…
Read MoreAugust 31, 2024
My Fellow Americans,
Over the past 15 years, we have helped to elect 42 Combat Veterans For Congress from 24 states (4 US Senators and 38 Congressmen listed on the Alumni and Endorsement pages of our Website). The attached list includes 22 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 15 states, running for election to the Senate and the House. Only once a year do we seek financial support for the campaigns of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress.
The Republic has a critical National Security crisis! Communist China’s Xi Jinping, Russia’s Putin, and Iran’s Mullah Ali Khamenei were emboldened by Biden’s inept responses during the Presidential Debate of June 27th; they, and millions of Americans had no doubt that Biden was suffering from a dementia neuro generative…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, August 27, 2024
American public has been inundated with countless misleading statements from smooth talking Barrack Hussein Obama about his fellow Marxist, Kamala Harris’ intelligence and capabilities as the first Marxist Presidential candidate nominated by the Democrat Party. However, over the last four years, Harris’ inactions as the Border Czar, her inability to make cogent public comments to answer any questions on policy, her hysterical laughing, and her inability to even get one vote when she tried to win the Democratic Presidential Primary, indicate that Kamala Harris is incapable of performing the duties of Commander-in-Chief, to put it mildly.
For the first time in US History, a candidate for US President has been refusing for 37 days to hold a press conference with the national press…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, August 23, 2024
To fully understand the background of Tim Walz, and the reason the subject letter was sent to him by members of the Senate and Congress, the American people must be informed that Tim Walz is fascinated with and supports Communist China. Walz made 30 trips to Communist China in the last 31 years. He speaks Chinese, lived and taught High School in Communist Chinese Schools, and encouraged his young students in Minnesota to approve of Communist China’s philosophy.
Walz often brought his young Minnesota High School students with him on his annual trips to China, indoctrinating them in the Communist Chinese philosophy; the student‘s trips were paid for by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Marxist Extremist Tim Walz celebrated his marriage by going on his honeymoon to…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, August 19, 2024
For the last four years, at the core of the pronouncements made by representatives for every US Government Agency, statements made by Cabinet Members of the Biden Administration, and the readings by Biden in front of teleprompters, were pronouncements of the daily talking points scripted by Obama’s American Marxist Politburo. Former members of the Obama Administration had been appointed in the Biden administration to shape the policies of the Biden Administration.
Over the last four years, thousands of American Citizens have voiced their opinions that the United States has ceased to be a nation in which they believe American Citizens have a voice. For four years American Citizens and media representatives also expressed concerns about who is “actually” in control of the…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, August 12, 2024
For four years, the Socialist Democrats and their Marxist allies have been planning to rig and steal the 2024 election electronically. They have been working for 9 years to convince the United States electorate that it would be moral, desirable, and righteous to cheat President Donald J. Trump from being re-elected. They have been mislabeling President Donald J. Trump a traitor who colluded with America's mortal enemies, that President Trump is also a "racist," "white supremacist," "Islamophobe," "Fascist," "Nazi," and an admirer of Adolf Hitler.
The same opponents of President Donald J. Trump within the United States, continue to defame President Donald J. Trump, and they also defame the hundreds of millions of his American Citizens who support President Trump.…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, August 7, 2024
American Citizens should consider one major overriding factor when it comes to casting their vote in the November 2024 election.
It is not the fact that 1.2 million American Citizens lost their jobs in this quarter, and that 1.3 million Illegal Aliens gained employment.
It is not the worst 21.1% Biden/Harris runaway inflation in over 40 years, which has forced 558,000 Americans Citizens to work in part-time jobs, while credit card debt exceeds over one trillion dollars for the first time in history, while millions of American Citizens are having difficulty feeding their families.
It is not the fact that unemployment has jumped to 4.3%, the highest level in three years, driving the economy into a Biden/Harris recession.
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, July 24, 2024
The US Constitutional Republic is in the throes of a full-scale Communist Revolution. The Biden Socialist Democrat Administration openly promises to transform America, rewrite the US Constitution, eliminate provisions of the Second Amendment, pack the Supreme Court, and has allowed 16 million Illegal Aliens from 180 countries to flood into the US across the northern and southern borders, by providing the UN with $70 Billion from its four Annual Budgets to fund the invasion of the United States.
By clicking on the below link, you will be able to listen to and be informed about Kamala Harris’ “Communist” family background, and understand just how truly dangerous the Socialist Democrat Party and Obama really are; they gave Americans Kamala Harris. You will also realize that the…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, July 19, 2024
President Donald J. Trump made it possible for tens of millions of American Citizens to be introduced to ten of the below listed Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 7 States. They were invited to make their Patriotic and Pro-American addresses to the American Citizens during the Republican Convention in Milwaukee, WI from July 15 through 17, 2024. Americans were able to see the decency, humility, and humanity of the Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress. One of the below listed Combat Veterans For Congress, Senator JD Vance, was selected by President Donald J. Trump to be his Vice-Presidential running mate. They were all grateful that God spared the life of President Donald J. Trump from the bullets fired by the Antifa assassin who tried to kill the President.
Read MorePresident Donald J. Trump chose the 147th Conservative, US Marine, and Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, US Senator J. D. Vance (R-OH) as his Vice President running mate in the November 2024 election. The attached photo and the biography of former Cpl James David Vance, USMC, and current US Senator J. D. Vance (R-OH) is listed below for your review. Semper Fidelis!
Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 147th Combat Veteran For Congress in 13 years, Cpl James David Vance, USMC, who resides in Cincinnati, Ohio and served in the US Marine Corps for 4 years of active…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, July 12, 2024
A century-old Marxist campaign has succeeded in ideologically subverting the United States, Government Bureaucracy, and its Intelligence Agencies. The results of the Marxist’s successes are seen in today’s leftist street protests, the CRT/DEI obsession in the US Armed Forces/Intelligence Agencies, the prevalent anti-Israel/anti-Semitic demonstrations, the attacks on conservative Supreme Court Judges, the aggressive plan by Socialist Democrats to allow 16 million invading Illegal Aliens to vote in the Presidential Election, the saturation of the academia bureaucracy to promote Anti-Patriotic Marxism indoctrination, and the US Department of Education support for Marxists Indoctrination of grammar school and college students. (Levy, Janet, “The Communist Plan That Has Subverted Our…
By Capt Joseph R. John, July 3, 2024
Independence Day is a day for American Citizens to remember the Republic’s God given “Freedoms” that are outlined in the US Constitution, and they should thank the Good Lord for those “Freedoms”! Independence Day is the second birthday for “every” American Patriot.
We encourage you to click on the below listed link, to watch the video presentation that encapsulates a uniquely beautiful and historic message about the origin of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” The story is told by Attorney Francis Scott Key, who watched the British Battle Fleet in Chesapeake Bay of over 100 ships, shell Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor “all through the night” from September 13th to September 14, 1814. He then penned the words memorializing what he witnessed and the words were matched to an 18th…
Read MoreBy Capt Joseph R. John, June 26, 2024
For 11 years, Dr. Laura Gutman, MD, a self-described life-long Army Brat, has been a longtime strong supporter of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC. Her father, Col Benjamin Thurston, USA (Ret) was a 1926 West Point Class graduate and was selected to be a Battalion Commander in General George Patton’s Third Army. He saw very heavy combat and his combat awards include the Silver Star Medal, 3 Bronze Stars Medals, 3 Purple Heart Medals, the French Legion of Honor, the Combat Infantry Badge, Parachutist Badge, and multiple Service and Campaign Medals. Col Thurston is listed among other Honorable Heroic Combat Veterans on the Endorsee of PAC page of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Website.
Dr. Gutman discussed her interest in developing a book about her experience…
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