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Op-Ed Articles

By Capt Joseph R. John, September 4, 2024

Over the last four years, Kamala Harris’ failure as Border Czar, her inability to make cogent public statements, her inability to discuss any of the administration’s policies, her “refusal” to hold a press conference following her nomination as US President for over 45 days, her hysterical laughing, her belief in her mother’s and her father’s Marxism, and the lack of respect Allied Heads of State have for Kamala, are some of the many reasons why Comrade Kamala Harris would be unable to effectively perform the duties of a US President, or of a Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces.  She was an utter failure in the Office of Vice President.

Thousands of uninformed and misled American Citizens, have been suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.  They are willing to turn…

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August 31, 2024

My Fellow Americans,

Over the past 15 years, we have helped to elect 42 Combat Veterans For Congress from 24 states (4 US Senators and 38 Congressmen listed on the Alumni and Endorsement pages of our Website).  The attached list includes 22 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 15 states, running for election to the Senate and the House.  Only once a year do we seek financial support for the campaigns of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress. 

The Republic has a critical National Security crisis!  Communist China’s Xi Jinping, Russia’s Putin, and Iran’s Mullah Ali Khamenei were emboldened by Biden’s inept responses during the Presidential Debate of June 27th; they, and millions of Americans had no doubt that Biden was suffering from a dementia neuro generative…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 27, 2024 

American public has been inundated with countless misleading statements from smooth talking Barrack Hussein Obama about his fellow Marxist, Kamala Harris’ intelligence and capabilities as the first Marxist Presidential candidate nominated by the Democrat Party.  However, over the last four years, Harris’ inactions as the Border Czar, her inability to make cogent public comments to answer any questions on policy, her hysterical laughing, and her inability to even get one vote when she tried to win the Democratic Presidential Primary, indicate that Kamala Harris is incapable of performing the duties of Commander-in-Chief, to put it mildly.

For the first time in US History, a candidate for US President has been refusing for 37 days to hold a press conference with the national press…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 23, 2024

To fully understand the background of Tim Walz, and the reason the subject letter was sent to him by members of the Senate and Congress, the American people must be informed that Tim Walz is fascinated with and supports Communist China.  Walz made 30 trips to Communist China in the last 31 years.  He speaks Chinese, lived and taught High School in Communist Chinese Schools, and encouraged his young students in Minnesota to approve of Communist China’s philosophy. 

Walz often brought his young Minnesota High School students with him on his annual trips to China, indoctrinating them in the Communist Chinese philosophy; the student‘s trips were paid for by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  Marxist Extremist Tim Walz celebrated his marriage by going on his honeymoon to…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 19, 2024 

For the last four years, at the core of the pronouncements made by representatives for every US Government Agency, statements made by Cabinet Members of the Biden Administration, and the readings by Biden in front of teleprompters, were pronouncements of the daily talking points scripted by Obama’s American Marxist Politburo.  Former members of the Obama Administration had been appointed in the Biden administration to shape the policies of the Biden Administration.

Over the last four years, thousands of American Citizens have voiced their opinions that the United States has ceased to be a nation in which they believe American Citizens have a voice.  For four years American Citizens and media representatives also expressed concerns about who is “actually” in control of the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 12, 2024

For four years, the Socialist Democrats and their Marxist allies have been planning to rig and steal the 2024 election electronically.  They have been working for 9 years to convince the United States electorate that it would be moral, desirable, and righteous to cheat President Donald J. Trump from being re-elected.  They have been mislabeling President Donald J. Trump a traitor who colluded with America's mortal enemies, that President Trump is also a "racist," "white supremacist," "Islamophobe," "Fascist," "Nazi," and an admirer of Adolf Hitler. 

The same opponents of President Donald J. Trump within the United States, continue to defame President Donald J. Trump, and they also defame the hundreds of millions of his American Citizens who support President Trump.…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 7, 2024

American Citizens should consider one major overriding factor when it comes to casting their vote in the November 2024 election. 

It is not the fact that 1.2 million American Citizens lost their jobs in this quarter, and that 1.3 million Illegal Aliens gained employment.

It is not the worst 21.1% Biden/Harris runaway inflation in over 40 years, which has forced 558,000 Americans Citizens to work in part-time jobs, while credit card debt exceeds over one trillion dollars for the first time in history, while millions of American Citizens are having difficulty feeding their families.

It is not the fact that unemployment has jumped to 4.3%, the highest level in three years, driving the economy into a Biden/Harris recession.

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 24, 2024

The US Constitutional Republic is in the throes of a full-scale Communist Revolution.  The Biden Socialist Democrat Administration openly promises to transform America, rewrite the US Constitution, eliminate provisions of the Second Amendment, pack the Supreme Court, and has allowed 16 million Illegal Aliens from 180 countries to flood into the US across the northern and southern borders, by providing the UN with $70 Billion from its four Annual Budgets to fund the invasion of  the United States.

By clicking on the below link, you will be able to listen to and be informed about Kamala Harris’ “Communist” family background, and understand just how truly dangerous the Socialist Democrat Party and Obama really are; they gave Americans Kamala Harris.  You will also realize that the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 19, 2024

President Donald J. Trump made it possible for tens of millions of American Citizens to be introduced to ten of the below listed Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 7 States.  They were invited to make their Patriotic and Pro-American addresses to the American Citizens during the Republican Convention in Milwaukee, WI from July 15 through 17, 2024.  Americans were able to see the decency, humility, and humanity of the Endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress.  One of the below listed Combat Veterans For Congress, Senator JD Vance, was selected by President Donald J. Trump to be his Vice-Presidential running mate.  They were all grateful that God spared the life of President Donald J. Trump from the bullets fired by the Antifa assassin who tried to kill the President.

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President Donald J. Trump chose the 147th Conservative, US Marine, and Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, US Senator J. D. Vance (R-OH) as his Vice President running mate in the November 2024 election.  The attached photo and the biography of former Cpl James David Vance, USMC, and current US Senator J. D. Vance (R-OH) is listed below for your review.   Semper Fidelis!


Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 147th Combat Veteran For Congress in 13 years, Cpl James David Vance, USMC, who resides in Cincinnati, Ohio and served in the US Marine Corps for 4 years of active…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 12, 2024

A century-old Marxist campaign has succeeded in ideologically subverting the United States, Government Bureaucracy, and its Intelligence Agencies.  The results of the Marxist’s successes are seen in today’s leftist street protests, the CRT/DEI obsession in the US Armed Forces/Intelligence Agencies, the prevalent anti-Israel/anti-Semitic demonstrations, the attacks on conservative Supreme Court Judges, the aggressive plan by Socialist Democrats to allow 16 million invading Illegal Aliens to vote in the Presidential Election, the saturation of the academia bureaucracy to promote Anti-Patriotic Marxism indoctrination, and the US Department of Education support for Marxists Indoctrination of grammar school and college students. (Levy, Janet, “The Communist Plan That Has Subverted Our…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 3, 2024

Independence Day is a day for American Citizens to remember the Republic’s God given “Freedoms” that are outlined in the US Constitution, and they should thank the Good Lord for those “Freedoms”!  Independence Day is the second birthday for “every” American Patriot. 

We encourage you to click on the below listed link, to watch the video presentation that encapsulates a uniquely beautiful and historic message about the origin of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”  The story is told by Attorney Francis Scott Key, who watched the British Battle Fleet in Chesapeake Bay of over 100 ships, shell Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor “all through the night” from September 13th to September 14, 1814.  He then penned the words memorializing what he witnessed and the words were matched to an 18th…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 26, 2024

For 11 years, Dr. Laura Gutman, MD, a self-described life-long Army Brat, has been a longtime strong supporter of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC.  Her father, Col Benjamin Thurston, USA (Ret) was a 1926 West Point Class graduate and was selected to be a Battalion Commander in General George Patton’s Third Army.  He saw very heavy combat and his combat awards include the Silver Star Medal, 3 Bronze Stars Medals, 3 Purple Heart Medals, the French Legion of Honor, the Combat Infantry Badge, Parachutist Badge, and multiple Service and Campaign Medals.  Col Thurston is listed among other Honorable Heroic Combat Veterans on the Endorsee of PAC page of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Website. 

Dr. Gutman discussed her interest in developing a book about her experience…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 17, 2024

We remember and honor the sacrifice of millions of members of the US Armed Forces who freed European Political Prisoners from Nazi Oppressors and have since been referred to as members of The Greatest Generation.  Americans fought and died to “free” millions of people from their National Socialist Oppression in Nazi Germany.  Patriotic American Citizens like Lt Col Larry Block, Jr., USAFA ’89, USAF (Ret) were faced with the Oppression of the Social Democrats, and their Marxists allies who created a “Two-Tier” Justice System and incarcerated him as a Political Prisoner.  

The goals of the Social Democrats “Two-Tier” Justice System were to bring about the following: to convince US Citizens that a January 6, 2021 riot in the US Capitol was an insurrection (despite the fact…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 14, 2024

“The American Flag” symbolizes the principles outlined in the US Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers.  All members of the US Armed Forces raise their right hand and swear to protect and defend the US Constitution, under “The American Flag”. 

Flag Day is an opportunity for Patriotic Americans to demonstrate their respect for “The American Flag”, and to set an example for younger generations, of their deep respect for “The American Flag”, and by demonstrating their respect for ”The American Flag”, they are demonstrating their support for the Republic.   

We encourage American Patriots to pass this message on to the young people in your life.

I AM THE FLAG  by Jimmy Weldon

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 10, 2024

This below listed critically important essay about “Cultural Marxism” by William S. Lind was forwarded to us by LTG Thomas McInerny USMA ’59, USAF (Ret) who passed it on. 

William S. Lind has a B.A. in History from Dartmouth College and an M.A., also in History, from Princeton University.  He serves as Director of the Center for Cultural Conservatism of The Free Congress Foundation based in Washington, DC; he is a Vestryman at St. James Anglican Church in his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio.

Every American Patriot should read the below history about how “Cultural Marxism” has been working to destroy America’s Patriotic Culture and the US Constitutional Republic for over 75 years.

Marxist’s Critical Theory became Critical Race Theory to be…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 3, 2024

Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving Secret Police Chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove the criminal conduct of anyone, even those who were innocent.  “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast.  Obama first corrupted the US Judicial System, then applied Beria’s Communist boast in four separate indictments against an innocent man, President Donald J. Trump.

The world’s honest and levelheaded citizens have always supported political opponents who were referred to as “convicted felons” by corrupt and dishonest politicians and their dishonest press!  The lesson should have been learned by Obama and his Communist allies---from Nelson Mandela’s conviction and imprisonment to…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 27, 2024

On Memorial Day and every day, we remember and are thankful for the members of the US Armed Forces who lost their lives defending the Republic at home and on foreign fields in combat.  The Good Lord Blessed and rested their noble souls. 

Patriotic Americans support the honorable memory of those fallen military heroes and support the lives of members of the US Armed Forces who serve in the defense of the Republic overseas and at home today. Throughout his life, President Ronald W. Reagan, honored fallen military heroes as well as all members of the US Armed Forces; he often spoke with respect for them, for protecting and defending the US Constitution.

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 22, 2024

In the below listed 20 minute video clip there is a recording that explains that over the last 3 ½ years the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) (Catholic Family Services, Jewish Family Services, the Red Cross, the United Nations Commission on Refugees, Lutheran Religious Services, Define America, Immigrants Rising, United We Dream, Movemento Cochica, Samaritans Purse, etc.) have been provided with over $700 billion by the Obama/Biden administration to help 14 million Illegal Aliens invade the United States.  The ultimate objective of this well-organized plan developed by Obama and Soros, working with the UN, is to destroy the US as a nation state, populated by Patriotic American Citizens, and displacing American Citizens with Illegal Aliens from 180 countries who do not support the US Constitution and are…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 13, 2024

According to the Organization for Economic International Organization (OECD), the Biden/Obama administration new extraordinary high Fiscal 2025 Corporate Federal Income Tax proposals of 28 %, will result in the United States having the second highest corporate income tax rate in the world, behind Colombia’s corporate tax rate.  By raising the US Corporate Federal Tax Rate to a level of 28%, that tax will have the most harmful effect on US Economic Growth, it will make all US Corporations less competitive internationally, and will contribute to significantly damage the US Free Enterprise System.  The US Free Enterprise System created the most effective and robust economic engine in the history of mankind.  

Biden/Obama administration officials view their new extraordinary high…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 6, 2024

The 25 ways the United States has been intentionally destroyed over the past three and a half years, have Comrade Obama's fingerprints all over those policies.  As the "shadow president" in his third term, he is the puppet master behind the scenes that he spoke about in the attached video.  He has been in control of his inept bubbling puppet for 3½ years.  Obama just put all US ammunition shipments to Israel on hold in his attempt to prevent Israel from going into Rafah to eliminate the four remaining Hamas battalions.

Obama policies resulted in the anti-Jewish pro-Hamas anarchy on 100 US university campuses, resulting in “Obama’s Open Border Policy”, destroying the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces, developing the hatred for America, the hatred for capitalism, the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 3, 2024

For over the last 3½ years, “Obama’s Open Border Policy” has been encouraging 180 countries to invade the United States in violation of US Federal Immigration Laws aggressively supported and coordinated by the United Nations.   To date over 14 million Illegal Aliens, including over 400,000 Communist Chinese military personnel, cyber security hackers, and drug dealers have invaded the US.  Thousands of heavily armed Mexican Drug Cartel members have also been invading the United States for 3 ½ years to establish drug distribution networks throughout the United States.   Invading Chinese Communist drug dealers have been working with the Mexican Drug Cartels smuggling fentanyl into the United States, killing 300 young Americans “every day”, 365 days a year, resulting in the death of over 100,000…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, April 22, 2024, Op Ed # 663

We have been witnessing the Domestic Enemies of the nation and their Communist “Fellow Travelers” working since January 2021, to numb the nation, to destroy the nation, to create a civilization crisis, and descend the nation into Tyranny!  The numbing of America has been purposefully driven for four years, it has been carefully planned with a never-ending series of actions, executed by Obama and his Communist Allies.  Millions of Americans understand that something has been woefully wrong since January 2021; they have been having difficulty understanding why the Tyranny and lawlessness has become commonplace, or why new conflicts keep erupting, eliminating Domestic Tranquility.  

It is difficult for the average American to figure out why the nation has been in free…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, March 15, 2024

The below listed article by former Intelligence Officer Lt Col William Craig Roberts, USAR (Ret)/Toledo PD, presents a detailed chronological analysis of Communist China’s incursion into various areas of the United States that led to the actual invasion of the United States.  At the end of the article, he outlines the “END GAME” that is planned to take place within the United States by Communist China.  He outlines Communist China’s incursion into the Western Hemisphere, including Freeport in the Bahamas, the Panama Canal, Mexico, and South America.  One of Lt Col Robert’s Intelligent Analyst reported that there are tens of thousands of Communist Chinese military aged personnel, over 500,000, who have infiltrated and settled in Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Belize, and other …

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By Capt Joseph R. John, March 8, 2024

The average American Citizen can’t even begin to comprehend the savagery, horrors, and bloody carnage that will be unleashed within the United States by the hundreds of thousands of Communist Chinese Military personnel, Iranian Islamic Terrorists bolstering Iranian Terror Cells in the US, the Radical Islamic Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda Terrorists, Communist Cubans, and Venezuelan Communists who have invaded the United States because of Barrack Hussein Obama’s three year “Open Border Policy.”  A future planned attack within the US will be more vicious than the October 7, 2023, surprise attack in Israel by Hamas Radical Terrorist.

The plan to attack the US is right out of Unrestricted Warfare, a 1999 book, written by…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, March 1, 2024

By clicking on the below listed link you can watch Tucker Carlson interview Mike Benz.  Mike Benz describes how the “Censorship” of Freedom of Speech has been evolving in the US, and has become what he terms “The Censorship Industry” in the United States today.  The Biden/Obama administration is controlling and suppressing Freedom of Speech.  The Censorship Industry was developed by and consists of Progressives, Socialist Democrats, Barrack Hussein Obama, George Soros, Communist China, the Leftist Media Establishment, and Google that is injecting Anti-American Communist/Marxist/Anti-White Bias into its online prompts. 

The Censorship Industry is:

“Censoring” the opposition of State Election Agencies to the mailing of paper ballots to every state…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, February 21, 2024

The White House and the DHS Staff that is designated to communicate with the media establishment, contacted Amazon demanding that the bookseller suppress all books opposing the experimental test COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, they mis-categorized the shot as a “vaccine”.  Amazon was contacted in anticipation for and prior to the Biden/Obama administration plan to roll out a national promotional campaign to get every American Citizens to be injected with the experimental test COVID-19 mRNA gene therapy shot.      

The Biden/Obama administration will be aggressively pushing every American Citizens to get injected with the experimental test COVID-19 mRNA gene therapy shot, yet for three years, they have been allowing 14 million Illegal Aliens to enter the United…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, February 14, 2024

Communist China, working with Mexican Drug Cartels, has been waging a war against the United States by killing America’s youth with Fentanyl.  With the help of “Obama’s Open Border Policy”, Communist China has increased the killing of 300 of America’s youth each day, an estimated 10,000 of American’s youth each month, or over 100,000 of America’s youth each year.  China's Communist Party has been putting in place the infrastructure in America to attack the United States with thousands of spies within America’s universities, corporations, and…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, February 9, 2024

Communist China houses hundreds of thousands of cybersecurity experts and very sophisticated hackers in skyscrapers in Communist China, working 24/7, hacking into the infrastructure of the United States.  For every American working in Cybersecurity, Communist China has 50 technicians working in Cybersecurity. 

When a person subscribes to the free TikTok app, with their cell phone number, date of birth, E-mail address, they must provide the pre-existing social media accounts they are on.  That new information on a new TikTok subscriber allows the Communist Chinese hackers to get into that person’s android and exports all the information from that android to develop a dossier in Communist China on that person.  That dossier is analyzed by Communist China’s Intelligence…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, February 2, 2024

Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is an offspring of Critical Race Theory (CRT).  In the 1930s, Marxists created CRT to develop a conflict between Black and White people, to help Marxists subjugate nations, and to further the goal of Communists to conquer and subjugate the world’s masses.  DEI is a poison that attacks America’s traditional Equal Opportunity values; it poisons the heart and soul of the US Armed Forces---the Warrior Ethos.   Marxists used CRT to initiate class warfare and convince black people in the United States that all white people are oppressors and they have been teaching black people that “all” white people are determined to oppress them; it is reverse racism designed to oppress and control white people.

Obama engineered the selection of the…

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