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Op-Ed Articles

By Capt Joseph R. John, December 4, 2020, Op Ed #530

Cyberwarfare was employed by Communist China, Russia, and Iran to employ the software in Dominion Voting Machines to flip the vote totals of the November 3rd US Presidential election recorded on Sycle servers in Frankfurt, Germany.  Communist China and Iran, with access to the Sycle Servers, manipulated the vote totals and gave the winning votes to Biden.  


The forensic analysis will need to be completed in order to reveal to American voters and the Judiciary, that on November 3rd Communist China coordinated election theft and Voter Fraud with US domestic enemies.  The Socialist Democrats stopped counting votes simultaneously in 5 battleground states at 10:00 PM. Communist Chinese also hacked the Sycle servers in Frankfurt in order to change the vote count.  


Many computer experts explained the malware in the Dominion Voting Machines, an Electronic Intelligence Analyst assigned to the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion who hacked the Sycle Server, and thousands of whistleblowers, came forward to document and prove the Treasonous acts that were perpetrated by domestic and foreign enemies to perpetrate election theft.  They have been ignored by the left of center liberal media establishment, Democrat Socialists, weak turncoat Rhinos, and the state courts in battleground states, because of the rush to remove…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, December 2, 2020, Op Ed #529

The United States is in a crucible.  This is the most dangerous period in the US Republic’s 244-year history; the survival of the Republic is at stake.  There is overwhelming evidence of the assault by Marxists, Socialists, and the Democrat Socialist Party on “One Vote One Man”, and of the sinister assault on the Constitutional Republic by deep state domestic enemies, working very closely with Communist China, committing treasonous crimes against the Republic.   


Communist China pulled all the stops to destroy President Trump, because they are afraid he will do to them what President Reagan did to Russia, with trade and tariffs.  There is a preponderance of evidence of the greatest election fraud in US History which was led by Communist China and their fellow travelers in the United States.  The election theft of the Presidency of the United States had been carefully planned, war gammed, and coordinated with Democrat elected officials in six battleground states.  


On October 8th, Communist China purchased Dominion Voting Systems for $400 million, and then rapidly installed software in the Dominion Voting Machines in six battleground states, to steal votes as further explained below.  Communist China installed software that stopped counting votes uniformly at 10:00 PM in six battleground states on November 3rd, in…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 29, 2020, Op Ed #528

In 2019 and 2020, 75 Combat Veterans from 25 states were interviewed, 32 Combat Veterans For Congress from 19 states were endorsed, 24 of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 16 states won their primary elections, and listed below are the 19 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 14 states who were elected on November 3rd. 


19 Combat Veterans For Congress in 14 States—--Embedded Integrity 


Senator Thomas B. Cotton, Cpt-USA (R-AR-Senate)      

Cong Steven E. Stivers, BGen-USANG (R-OH-15)            

Cong Adam D. Kinzinger, Lt Col-AFNG (R-IL-16) …

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 18, 2020, Op Ed #527

By clicking on the below listed link you will be able to listen to Bill Whipple’s discussion of election theft.  The manipulation of the election was well-planned by the Social Democrats, coordinated in 28 states, practiced in war-games prior to the election, and funded by Nazi Collaborator George Soros.  Soros spent a total of $34 billion to elect Socialists and undercut the US Constitution.  The Organization For Action paid thousands of leftists (Socialists, Marxists, Progressives, and The Muslim Brotherhood supporters) to execute the plan, control polling places, and control how the votes would be tabulated.


“Vote by mail ballots” were sent to every Blue State resident even if they weren’t registered to vote. Republican Poll Watchers were kept 6 feet away from ballots preventing them from being able to inspect ballots.  Biden ballots were accepted even after the election day so they could be counted.  Invalid Biden ballots that were…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 16, 2020, Op Ed #526

Two months ago, on national television, Joe Biden stated he wouldn’t declare victory until the election was independently certified; yet 4 days after the election, he delivered a speech claiming “a clear victory”.  Seventy-three million American would like to know why Democrats spent 4 years investigating the 2016 election and repeatedly said the collusion with Russians is why President Trump won the election.  Why is it that Democrats won’t allow Republicans to spend 4 weeks investigating election tampering in the 2020 election with millions of documented voter fraud?


If you click on the below listed link you will be able to listen to Sidney Powell, Esq., LTG Michael Flynn’s Attorney, discuss the Dominion Voting System that altered the tabulation of votes cast in the 2020 election.  The software system was originally created to alter voting results in Venezuela.  The Software was funded by Communist China, Cuba, and Venezuela.


The actual mathematical analysis of how the Dominion Voting System was tabulating votes cast for President in four of the largest…

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  By Capt Joseph R. John, November 9, 2020; Op Ed #524 
    “The People that cast the votes decide nothing.  The people that count the votes decide everything.”                                   ---  Joseph Stalin   Progressives who spent the last 4 years stating daily that there was election interference, are now saying there is no way this election could have been rigged!  After Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, he didn’t make a speech to the nation and there were no massive rallies in the streets that Americans witnessed initiated by the Biden campaign.  Counting the legal votes has not been completed, because voters across the nation documented massive Voter Fraud.

The Social Democrats and the left of center liberal media establishment, mounted an aggressive publicity campaign, trying to make it difficult for Republicans to oppose the rampant Voter Fraud that Social Democrats activated in at least 30 states.  Over the years, we have developed a great deal of respect for Bill Whittle’s educated comments on the various issues of our time.  We encourage you to watch and listen to Bill Whittle comments concerning the election by clicking on the below listed link:

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 6, 2020; Op Ed #523

“The People that cast the votes decide nothing.  The people that count the votes decide everything.”                                                             ---  Joseph Stalin


What America voters witnessed over the last three months, was the Socialist Democrat Party’s attempt at Voter Suppression, in order to try to convince and mislead voters into believing that it would be hopeless to vote for President Trump, because the Anti-Trump polls were so overwhelming in favor of Joe Biden, in some cases by over 18%.  The message that was being force fed to all Americans was that there would be a Blue Wave that would convincingly elect Joe Biden and take control of both houses of Congress.  


That three-month active effort at Voter Suppression was aggressively supported and promoted by the left of center liberal Main Stream Media that was coordinated and supported, by multiple media outlets.  There was a continuing daily effort to distribute false Anti-Trump polls, projecting that Joe Biden was so far ahead, that voting for President Trump would be hopeless.  The Voter Suppression plan, and the follow on effort to…

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We are appreciative of the donations that were sent in to support the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress this year; we forwarded $21,500 in donations to the below listed campaigns in the amounts listed.  Those of you who did donate this year made a very important difference and will help us elect a new slate of Combat Veterans on November 3rd.   In past years, you helped us recruit and elect 38 Combat Veterans to Congress. 

The endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress running for Congress, and the Board of Directors of the PAC thank you for your continued support for the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who, at one point in their lives, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives”; in some cases, a number of them became Wounded Warriors.  


Your continued support over the years has helping us to protect and defend the US Constitution, to support Law Enforcement Officers, to oppose the continuing attempts by Socialists and Progressives to change the US Constitutional Republic into a Socialist State, and you are also helping us provide support for the family and for the Judeo/Christian way of life!


 President Donald J. Trump, The 45th President of the United States Of America                         …

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We are appreciative of the donations that were sent in to support the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress this year; we forwarded $21,500 in donations to the below listed campaigns in the amounts listed.  Those of you who did donate this year made a very important difference and will help us elect a new slate of Combat Veterans on November 3rd.   In past years, you helped us recruit and elect 38 Combat Veterans to Congress. 

The endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress running for Congress, and the Board of Directors of the PAC thank you for your continued support for the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who, at one point in their lives, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives”; in some cases, a number of them became Wounded Warriors.  


Your continued support over the years has helping us to protect and defend the US Constitution, to support Law Enforcement Officers, to oppose the continuing attempts by Socialists and Progressives to change the US Constitutional Republic into a Socialist State, and you are also helping us provide support for the family and for the Judeo/Christian way of life!


 President Donald J. Trump, The 45th President of the United States Of America                         …

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 1, 2020; Op Ed #521

The President of the United States Donald J. Trump addressed the United Nations General Assembly, as discussed in the video link below, in which he stated that the United States would no longer go along with Barack Hussein Obama's previous support for Globalism.  For eight years, Obama refused to support the Patriotic Independence of the United States of America and to independently stand apart from the United Nations on many issues.

President Trump stated that the new administration of the United States opposes “The UN’s New World Order Great Reset” led by Nazi Collaborator George Soros, Communist China, Socialist Bill Gates whose goal is to vaccinate the world population against pandemics, and Director General of the UN World Health Organization (WHO), a well-known Communist Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. President Trump set off major alarm bells for Global Elitists.

Roman Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a former Papal Ambassador to the United States, wrote an open letter to President Donald Trump and warned him of the “The UN’s New World Order Great Reset”.  Archbishop Vigano warned that the COVID-19 pandemic was being used to usher in the “Great Reset” supported by Global Elitists who intend to develop a UN Health Dictatorship, being strongly promoted by Bill Gates, which would ultimately strip people of their individual freedoms.  The Archbishop warned…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 28, 2020; Op Ed #520

The below listed article was written by Trevor Loudon, who is a New Zealand author, filmmaker, and public speaker.  For more than 30 years, Trevor Loudon has researched the Radical Left, Marxists, Communists, and Terrorists movements, and their covert influence on mainstream politics.  Trevor Loudon is best known for his book, “Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists, and Progressives in the US Congress” and his similarly themed documentary film, “Enemies Within”.

In the below listed article, Trevor Loudon provides compelling and irrefutable evidence of Kamala Harris’ ties with Marxists, Communists, Maoists and Socialists.  Kamala Harris’ father was an avowed Marxist professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA.  Both of Harris’ parents were active in the Berkeley-based Afro-American Association; Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were the heroes of the Afro-American Association.  

The group’s leader, Donald Warden (aka Khalid al-Mansour), mentored two young Afro-American Association members, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale.  They created the Maoist inspired Black Panther Party, which gained strong support from Communist China.  The Black Panther Party served as the model for creation of the Black Lives Matter Marxist organization.  Khalid al-Mansour subsequently went on to…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 26, 2020; Op Ed #519

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to listen to a very important speech by Thomas D. Klingenstein, Chairman of the Board of the Claremont Institute: he is also a very successful Investment Banker.  It is the most important presentation I’ve listened to within the last two years concerning the November 3rd election, and I strongly encourage every American to listen to it before they vote. 

Mr. Klingenstein is speaking in opposition to the “Revolution” that has been seriously underway in the streets in 300+ Democrat controlled Sanctuary Cities since late 2019.  This “Revolution’s” goal is to change the United States forever, which has been under development for well over 70 years by Communists, Marxists, and Socialists.  Their goal is to change the US Constitutional Republic into a Socialist State.  The well-coordinated and well-financed “Revolution” in its all-out violence, will continue beyond the November election, and it is designed to destroy the 240-year old US Constitutional Republic’s “Way Of Life”.

The “Revolution” reared its ugly head under the guise of peaceful demonstrations to oppose police brutality.  Police made 10 million arrests last year, 9 unarmed Blacks were killed by Police Officers last year, 10 unarmed Whites were killed by Police Officers last year, 89 Police Officers were killed in the line of duty last year, and…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 22, 2020; Op Ed #518

Nancy Pelosi’s Leftist, Socialist, and pro-PLO supporting candidate, Ammar Campa-Najjar (aka Ammar Yasser Najjar), served in low-level Public Relations position in the Employment and Training Administration of the Obama administration and is running as a Socialist Democrat for Congress in the 50th Congressional District of California.  We reject Ammar Campa Najjar's Vicious Attacks on Cong Darrell Issa in his TV Ads.


Ammar Campa-Najjar (aka Ammar Yasser Najjar) is running against endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Darrell E. Issa, Captain/USAR (EOD) who Honorably served the US Constitutional Republic for 34 years in the US Army and US Army Reserves for 16 years, and in the US House of Representative for 18 years, including as the former Chairman of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee; the top government watchdog position in Congress.


Ammar Campa-Najjar aka Ammar Yasser Najjar, if elected to Congress, would be an unacceptable National Security risk for the United States, because he would have access to US Military classified and other highly sensitive security information, and his close personal relationship with the PLO would create security problems.  In his youth, Ammar Yasser Najjar was educated and indoctrinated by the PLO in PLO Schools in the Gaza Strip until he was 12 years of age, then he was brought back to the United…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 17, 2020; Op Ed #517

By clicking on the below listed link, you can watch Rudy Giuliani, who became famous for prosecuting and taking down Mafia Crime Families in 1980, including the John Gotti Mafia Crime Family, and putting John Gotti in prison for life.  Rudy Giuliani served as United States Associate Attorney General from 1981 to 1983 and was the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 1983 to 1989.  Rudy was subsequently elected as the Mayor of New York City in 1993 and was re-elected in 1997.  Rudy was subsequently called “…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 13, 2020; Op Ed #516

Critical Race Theory is the latest tool that the three Marxists who created the Black Lives Matter are using in working with the Socialists Party, the Communist Party USA, and the Socialist Democrat Party to transform the US Constitutional Republic into a Socialist State.  Critical Race Theory is an offshoot of the Critical Theory Manifesto developed in 1937 by Max Horkheimer, Professor of Socialist Philosophy and leader of Social Scientists at the University of Frankfurt in Germany.  


His work influenced his Socialist contemporaries including radical Marxist Professor Herbert Marcuse, father of the New Left, who in the 1960s became the hero of the radical US students in the Socialist and Communist political movement.  It included individuals like Bill Ayers, Gus Hall, Angela Davis, and organizations like the Weathermen Underground, the Democrat Socialists of America, the Black Panther Party, the Marxist Leninist Communist Workers Party Front, the World Workers Party, etc.


Critical Race Theory was developed with lesson plans created by a coalition of Socialists, Marxists, and Communists consultants.  The plan is to force feed and indoctrinate America’s youth, employees, students, teachers, professors, and the leaders of US universities, US public schools, the 5 US Service Academies, Federal and State Governments and their agencies, thousands of…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 12, 2020; Op Ed #515

SSgt Robert A. Hall, USMC, a Vietnam Combat Veteran, college graduate, prolific author, and a dedicated American Patriot, summarized what he predicts will happen if Americans vote for the radical Socialist Democrat candidates running for Congress and the presidency in November.  His predictions are listed below the listed signature block.  We Honor SSgt Robert A. Hall, USMC for his service in defense of the Republic and his continued Patriotic messaging to Americans!  


By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to understand what the Combat Veterans For Congress will be voting for in November.


We are encouraging Americans to vote to preserve the Republic’s traditional patriotic “Way of Life “ supported by President Donald J. Trump.  We reject the Marxist Revolutionary Movement that controls Joe Biden and their plan to create an oppressive controlling Socialist State that will result in the below listed predictions outlined by…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 9, 2020; Op Ed #514 

This is a “Way Of Life Election”, and the most important election in the 244-year life of the Republic.  It is an election between a man, President Donald J. Trump, who wants to preserve America’s traditional patriotic way of life, supports “individual” freedoms to flourish, rejects the lie that Americans are racists, supports equality for all Americans, cherishes religious faith, supports the family unit, will stimulate the Free Enterprise System to regenerate the most robust economy in history, has been improving healthcare and will ensure insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions, will ensure that the US Constitution and The Bill of Rights remain the basis for the law of the land, and will continue to enforce The Rule Of Law.

Without The Rule of Law, there can be no Freedom in America!

 As an alternative, it is an election of a man, Joe Biden, controlled by a revolutionary movement that will forever change America’s traditional way of life, will defund Police Forces and the US Armed Forces, will support Black Lives Matter Marxist charge that America is a “Systemic Racist” country, will eliminate the filibuster to pack the Supreme Court, will open the Southern Border and flood the nation with Middle East refugees, will cancel the Trump tax cuts and increase taxes in an economic recovery.  His…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 5, 2020; Op Ed #513

The attached video summarizes the history of The American Form of Government.  A Republic is the form of government that is governed by a fixed body of laws, wherein those laws are not subject to the whims of elected representatives in government.  The essence of Freedom is the proper limitation of the government of the United States.  The fixed body of laws that govern the Republic of the United States of America is the US Constitution, which was created and given to their posterity by the Founding Fathers.  The US Constitution is the body of laws that protects the Rights and Freedoms of the Citizens of the United States.  Without law, there can be no Freedom in America!     


Is it any wonder that Black Lives Matter Marxists (with close ties to Communist China) and Antifa Domestic Terrorists, the foot soldiers for Tom Perez, the Marxist Chairman of the Socialist Democrat Party, have been leading violent riots, looting, arson of buildings, and anarchy in 300+ Democrat controlled Sanctuary Cities, calling for the defunding of Police Forces?  Without law, there can be no Freedom in America!  Widespread anarchy over the last 9 months has been the attempt by hundreds of thousands of violent revolutionaries in 300 Sanctuary Cities, led by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, to change the Republic to a Socialist State, while bypassing the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 20, 2020; Op Ed #505

For the first time in the 244-year history of the Republic, a “Coup d'état” was staged against the President of the United States, and it has continued unabated for 4 years.  Obama and Hillary completely destroyed the tradition of the “Peaceful Transition of Power” in the United States and continue to refuse to accept the election of the 45th President of the United States.  Up until the 2016 national presidential election, the “Peaceful Transition of Power” had always been the cornerstone of civility, and an integral part of the election process of the President of the United States.  It was the way the Founding Fathers expected the Republic to maintain its integrity and legitimacy, and for all posterity.

Never in the history of the Republic had a two-term occupant of the Oval Office ever sought to destroy the Presidency of his successor, after the outcome of the election had been decided by the Electoral College.  In order to delegitimize and undermine the President Elect, the outgoing occupant of the Oval Office orchestrated a false narrative that the incoming President worked with Russia to defeat the Democrat candidate running against him for president.  Obama had the senior and corrupt members of his administration that he appointed to lead the CIA, FBI, State, DOJ, and National Intelligence Agency, join him and tried to remove the 45th President of the United…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 1, 2020; Op Ed #511

In the first Presidential debate, Joe Biden continued to repeat the lie that President Trump did not have a plan to defeat the Communist Chinese COVID-19 Virus.  That lie has been another attempt by Biden, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, and the left of center liberal Main Stream Media establishment to mislead the American voters about President Trump’s many successes on multiple fronts.  


Over the last 9 months, President Trump took the COVID-19 threat very seriously and developed a very aggressive plan of action to assemble the most knowledgeable scientists and doctors in infectious diseases in the United States, in order to develop measures to protect America’s population from infection, to develop therapeutic medical treatments for COVID-19, and to develop a vaccine to protect the American population from the Communist Chinese pandemic.  


Prior to, and during the second Presidential debate, President Trump should outline the COVID-19 Presidential Task Force’s successes in protecting the American people from COVID-19.  For the last 9 months, President Trump listened to and followed the ever-changing advice of the most experienced and knowledgeable scientists and medical doctors in infectious disease in the United States who are members of the COVID-19 Presidential Task Force.   


During that period, the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 25, 2020; Op Ed #510

An endorsed and elected Combat Veteran For Congress, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC), proposed Florida’ new Law Enforcement Protection Act, which will soon pass.  That Law Enforcement Protection Act is the most comprehensive law every drawn up to protect American Citizens, Law Enforcement Officers, and the personal property of American Citizens in the nation.  Details of the provisions of Florida’s new Law Enforcement Protection Act are explained by Gov DeSantis in the video that can be listened to, by clicking on the following link

If the Governors of the other 49 states in the US passed a Law Enforcement Protection Act for their states with the same provisions as those outlined by Gov DeSantis, the violent riots, looting, and anarchy led by Black Lives Matter Marxists and Antifa Domestic Terrorists, who are the foot soldiers of the Socialist Democrat Party whose $2 billion destruction of personal property, murder of 700 Americans, attacks and ambushes of over 800 Law Enforcement Officers (requiring hospitalization) that occurred in 300+ Democrat-controlled Sanctuary Cities…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 17, 2020; Op Ed # 509

Lt Col Oliver L. North USNA '68, USMC (Ret) and Cong Allen West, Lt Col/USA(Ret), who is an endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress, were tasked with compiling a list of General and Flag Officers who support the re-election of President Donald J. Trump in November 2020.  We were asked to support that effort.  We approached the General and Flag Officers we regularly communicate with, to determine if they would approve of being included on the subject list.  A total of 235 General and Flag Officers agreed to be included on the list supporting the re-election of President Donald J. Trump.  In the letter of distribution, the Generals and Admirals warn their fellow Americans that America’s historic way of life is at stake in the November 2020 election.  The list can be viewed by clicking on the below listed link.

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 14, 2020; Op Ed #508

For the last 15 years, America’s intelligence agencies have been concerned about the threat posed to the National Security Interest of the United States by Communist China Fifth Column.  The Communist Chinese Dictatorship views itself as being within striking distance of enabling the Socialist Democrat Party to defeat President Donald J. Trump and of having a much friendlier Biden Presidency to come to power.  A Biden Presidency would not be as aggressive as the Trump administration has been in dismembering the Chinese Communist Fifth Column that has been operating in the United States for 20 years.  If Joe Biden is elected, China will win in its goal to change the Constitutional Republic to a Socialist State.   


The US Constitutional Republic is at a “Point of No Return”, because if Biden/Harris are elected, many of the freedoms granted by the US Constitution will be eliminated or dramatically changed by the Socialist activists and Progressives appointed to key positions in the Biden Administration, by Biden’s handlers.  The Biden-Red China connection is a very serious threat to the National Security of the United States, and the Rule Of Law governed by the US Constitution.  Joe Biden and his son Hunter have been recognized as two of the world’s strongest cheerleaders for Communist China for decades.  


If the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 6, 2020; Op Ed #506

To answer all of those who keep saying; “I can't believe you are voting for Trump.”


Well my fellow Americans listen up!  I'm not just voting for President Donald J. Trump.  If you absolutely MUST know what I am voting for:


I'm voting for the right of every American Citizen to Bear Arms, as outlined in the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice who will not legislate from the bench, but will issue decisions in accordance with the US Constitution. I'm voting to retain the Electoral College, to support the Constitutional Republic that governs all Americans equally under US Federal Law. I'm voting for equal justice for every American, against racism, and against Progressives who call me a racist because I was born white. I'm voting for law and order in support of Police Officers; against Black Lives Matter Marxists and Antifa Domestic Terrorist violent riots in 400 US cities. I'm voting in support of the US Military and Veterans who fought and died for their fellow Americans and the Republic for 244 years. I'm voting to respect of the American Flag that is always missing from the Democratic debates and events. I’m voting to say “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, which was eliminated from the Pledge during the Democrat Convention. I'm… Read More

By Capt Joseph R. John, September 11, 2020; Op Ed #507

The below listed video by Dr. Victor David Hanson was forwarded by the former Coronado Chief of Police, Louis Scanlon, Cdr/USN (Ret).  The video is a little long, but should be viewed by every American Citizen before they vote.  Dr. Hanson analyzes many complex issues that will affect the November election.  The votes by the electorate in November 2020 national election will ultimately decide whether America will remain the stable law and order society that it was prior to January 2020, or whether the law and order policy that framed America’s society will no longer exist, and the anarchy in the streets Americans have been witnessing in the hundreds of Democrat controlled Sanctuary cities like Portland, Chicago, Seattle, NYC, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Atlanta, LA, Austin, Boston, etc. will continue.  The below listed video is one of Dr Hanson’s finest political analysis.  


The ultimate issue Americans will decide when they vote for President in November 2020 is who will actually become President of the United States for the entire four-year term.  Although…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 27, 2020: Op Ed #503

By clicking on this link, you will see one of the most important videos we’ve watched in the last 10 years.  It best describes why riots have continued in the streets of over 400 Democrat Sanctuary cities for the last 6 months.  The link was sent to us by a highly decorated CIA Senior Operations Officer who retired before Obama appointed John Brennan as the CIA Director. 

The left of center liberal Main Stream Media establishment and propagandists, the Communist Party USA, the Russian Communist Party, and the Chinese Communist Party, have been skillfully hiding the information that is presented in the very powerful attached video from the American public, that can be watched by clicking on the below listed link in the ninth paragraph.

John Brennan led the conspirators in the Obama administration to initiate the first “Coup d’etat” of the first…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 22, 2020: Op Ed #502

The Socialist and Communist movements that developed in America over the last 20 years has become a threat to the very survival of the US Constitutional Republic, because 57% of registered Democrats and 52% of "white privilege" college students now have a positive view of Socialism.  

For 6 months, the American people have been witnessing a raging Socialist and Communist movement that is perpetrating violent riots in many Democrat Sanctuary cities.  The riots have been supported by agents from the Chinese Communist “Confucius Institutes” located at 81 university campuses, the Communist Party USA, Socialists, Marxists, The Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorists, and the Socialist Democrat Party.  Those riots have resulted in a massive increase in violent crimes in 171 sanctuary cities.  To prevent violent crimes, police forces must be properly funded, not defunded.

The Socialist Democrat Party’s Marxist ANTIFA Domestic Terrorist foot soldiers are “permitted” to lead thousands of closely packed rioting mobs in the Democrat Sanctuary cities of Portland, Seattle, NYC, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Albuquerque, St. Louis, Baltimore, D.C., Chicago, Kansas City, Atlanta, LA, Brooklyn, Detroit, etc.  Yet church services, school openings, athletic events, elective surgeries, and opening small businesses are being prevented from opening.

“Freedom of Speech"…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 14, 2020: Op Ed #501

The below listed video, as a follow up presentation to Op Ed #500 entitled “A Cure For Covid-19?” that we previously shared with you is also important and completes the information on COVID-19 that was too long to present in one Op Ed.  The video was recorded by Dr Kelly Victory, a trauma and emergency physician, who had practiced with the Public Health Service, as well as with other medical organizations.   


For five months, the media has focused on, and discussed the need to decrease death rates to flatten the curve.  Then for the past two months when death rates had been steadily decreasing to the lowest in the world, the media has suddenly started shifting its reporting to the number of new COVID-19 cases.   Obviously, new cases were going to increase substantially because over 700,000 Americans were now being tested each day, and with over 50 million Americans having been tested to date, the number of new cases were going to steadily increase, while the percentage of deaths kept decreasing.  


So the overall information in this below listed video is very important for you to understand how dangerous COVID-19 is; we therefore are encouraging you to take the time to view this very important 17 minute video that is discussing the dangers of COVID-19, since the coronavirus may last for some time.  


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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 11, 2020: Op Ed #500

Very seldom do we send out medical information to our supporters, although we receive a great deal of medical advice and recommendations to take certain vitamins from well-wishers who make recommendations to improve my health (those individual medical advice E-mails are included among the estimated 2000 E-mails we received each week).  


However, I am forwarding the link to one particular E-mail, because it is important, timely, and would be especially important if someone in your family or a close friend were infected with COVID-19.  By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to listen to and watch Doctor Richard Bartlett in the recorded video (27 minutes).  Dr. Bartlett has practiced as a family medicine specialist in the Midland/Odessa area of Texas for 28 years.


From almost the start of the COVID-19 epidemic, Dr. Bartlett recognized that the coronavirus was a respiratory/inflammatory disease, and he set out to find a way to treat the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 9, 2020: Op Ed #499

According to a “Just News Poll” by Rasmussen, something has convinced half of American voters that it is "somewhat likely" that there will be a violent attempt to “Overthrow” the U.S. government within a decade. That “Overthrow” will not occur in 10 years, but may occur in 4 months.  If Biden is elected in November and then is removed by the Socialist Democrats, employing the 25th Amendment because Biden is senile and can’t possibly govern, the “Overthrown will have begun.  Unfortunately, the FBI Director Christopher Wray and the CIA Director Gina Haspel have not exposed and arrested the foreign agents colluding with Communist China, in its “Coup d’ etat” to “Overthrow” the US Constitutional Republic.  


In support of the Global Marxist Movement, Communist China formed an alliance with the Marxist leader of the Socialist Democrat Party, Tom Perez.  China is obtaining funding from Nazi-Collaborator George Soros and gained the support from the offices of Barack Hussein Obama’s Organization For Action in 50 states to elect a feeble, easily controllable, and incoherent Joe Biden.  Obama has been pulling the strings behind the scenes of the Biden Campaign (we recommend that you read the below listed detailed article about Communist China’s plan to turn the US Constitutional Republic into a Socialist State).…

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